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  • S
    RELAX! Your stalking comments are not welcome at ExPo. Just enjoy the site. Enjoy all of the FREE Outback info.....and RELAX!

    OH!....And Leave Corey Alone!

    Seems you are a stalker.
    You follow me around me around in my posts and complain about my pictures.
    Then you post such witty comments as this:
    1. if you didn't spam the portal with the same pics of your FJ Cruiser, maybe it wouldn't lag so much.

    2. most of us here are intelligent and witty enough to catch a pun as simple and unoriginal as yours. you do not need to point it out, but thank you for linking instead of posting the picture. :rolleyes:
    Maybe get a faster pipeline to the Internet and pictures loading will not hurt you.

    If you have a problem with me, take it up with staff instead of following me around.
    I might get the idea that you are attracted to me, and I am already spoken for by a very good looking lady.
    How could I ever hope to win an argument with you - you're such the Mensa! You win - since you're a ************ too, maybe we can both be each others friends. Oh and please - don't take deletion personal.
    Smart ***,

    I was promoting Iron Pig - the owner is Lance Williams, in the picture guiding me up the ledge. Great group of guys who not only do good work but also are great friends. Steve and his wife, owners of the LC200 featured don't seem to mind since they think pretty highly of IPOR's work; they too are great folks, too. In the future just keep that in perspective when you think you have a comment that needs to be shared on a forum like this.
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