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  • Greetings Brian; I'm new to this site & stumbled onto the pict. of your lifted RoadTrek camper Van. We have owned an '02 RoadTrek 190 for a little over a year & love it.
    I'm curious about the lift, how it handles etc. And any other mod's you have done &/or can recommend. Thnx. Regards, Rich in Arizona
    I'm not sure how I missed those Bus pics. I missed a couple of other posts on that page too.

    I remember the Camo Bus; but not the Blue '68 bus.

    The one I was remembering was the Tan '67 Bus your dad bought, built into a camper, and then Grandad ended up with it. Then my mom had it for a while. I drove it for a year, while I was in college, before I decided to just use my bug.

    On the Tan Bus, we cut open the rear fender wells, to allow a larger tire, and then had to modify the door slider, to clear the tire, when the door slid back. I remember changing valve cover gaskets on it, before I was 16 (driving age).

    I think I was driving it, about the time you were born. Argh, I'm feeling old now!
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