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  • I would like to thank you personally for the write-up on my Dex-cool debacle, awesome lot of useful info there and should probably be posted as a 'sticky' in the tech section. Thanks again and best regards

    Dave K
    I used the solid Tahoe snubbers on the rear of mine. The rear is not as important. I don't think I would go out of my way to change them. The fronts are a must though.
    Great, thanks. Do you recommend installing them in the rear as well? (I think I'm getting the larger ones on the left.)
    Mine are from the rear of a fullsize. Late ninties IIRC. The part numbers are on the forum and we both know that is AWOL right now.
    Try here: ZR2USA post

    Left to right: GM PART # 15712438 $11.08 each (new). These are off of the rear of late '90s and early 2000 Chevrolet fullsize pickups.
    Next is the stock bump stop.
    Last is the Energy suspension Part # 9.9101G $11.99 pair.
    "If you need more lift on the front, Timbren load boosters might be an option? My fullsize bump stops work in a similar fashion."

    Could it be that I have the front-end sag because I still haven't gotten full-size bump stops yet?
    What kind should I be looking for, by the way? Can you send me a link? I will try to find used ones but if I cannot, I will just buy new.
    They would not fit the front as the a-arms are too close to the shock body. They look like a good idea as long as the mounting points will handle the applied loads.
    The bars might lower a little with age, but usually not much. If you have adjustment you can raise the front , so long as it can still be aligned.

    I have seen no aftermarket CV available for our application. If they are they would be VERY expensive. Probably not cost effective.

    I have no idea what the cut-n-weld thing might be.

    If you need more lift on the front, Timbren load boosters might be an option? My fullsize bump stops work in a similar fashion.
    Hey Brule.
    Back on the subject of front-end sag;

    It is normal for the torsion bar lift to lower a bit as time goes on, right? I know you asked if I had adjustment left but to be honest I'm not sure. When I looked at pictures of your truck it seemed perfectly even. The front end of mine is noticeably lower. If I'm able to crank them up a bit more, it would be ok, right?

    I was reading some forums and it was mentioned that there are aftermarket CV joints that are made in a way which increases their strength. "They can withstand a greater angle." Are these a myth?

    Also, someone said something about a "cut and weld" kind of thing to lessen the angle of the CV joint. Is that in any way possible?
    Ok, great. Now I just have to convince him to drive almost 1400 miles there and back. :D
    Yes. That should have 31" tires and do just fine. We are not going hard core this time and it will be more about seeing the amazing sites.
    Ok. I just created an account on 4WDTrips. 14x4, once again.

    A friend of mine is looking to buy a stock 1999 Dodge Dakota Sport. Seeing as how spring break is only a couple months away, I don't think he'll have time to lift it. If he wanted to go, do you think he'd be able to make it?
    Your word is law:bowdown:. I trust you more than anyone when it comes to our rigs. Its too bad though. A 5" suspension lift is big-time overkill. Its not that I need more lift, its just... I've had a taste and I want more.:D I'll just have to forget about it.

    So is Moab still happening?
    Nope. They had to add a-arms because the uppers are too short when you crank it that far. That does nothing for the Cv joints, lower ball joint or the lack of clearance on the frame for bigger tires. Then you have to figure out what to do for a shock as yours will be topped out and they don't make one just 2" longer. The increased angle of the arms makes for a harsh ride.

    Some of the ZR2 rigs have done the 2" lift with some success. That is apples and oranges though. Their suspension and frame is different. A little more forgiving.

    If a suspension lift is what you want, the 5" lift is a small as they go. That is a drop axle lift and rear axle flip.

    Bear in mind that mine is just one opinion. Others may feel differently.

    If you absolutely must have more than what is available by adjusting your stock equipment to max Z height, you can give it a shot. Be prepared though. Everyone I know that has done a suspension lift has sold the truck within two to three years or faster.
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