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  • Thanks for the awesome review. You helped me decide to live with the 2.7l 4-banger.

    Have you done your intermittent wiper mod or added cruise control yet? I did those to my Tacoma last week. You can get the parts you need on eBay so both of these mods cost you less than $50, total!
    Thanks for the note.
    Sadly McCall is out of the wife and I's price range to buy as well. We currently have a great deal on what we rent but long for acres to homestead as well. Before McCall we were in Sandpoint but the Job market just was not there for the type of work that we were doing at the time. Idaho is a great place that we hope to own a small hunk of some day. St Maries is not a bad spot. Not enough snow for me but still lovely in its own way. We have had a decent amount of snow thus far this winter, and my tires are near the end of their life so I might have to use the chains for the roads this year after all. I Was up at the local mountain the other day and Though about busting them out for the trip back dwon but the plow had come through by then . Shoot me a note if you are ever in town we can grab a beer and compare notes.
    Happy new year.
    T. Dorsey
    Thanx for the post input. McCall....amazing place to live or visit. I looked hard about 10 years ago at homes and land there. A little over priced for my capabilities then. I was in search of a place to retire and homestead. I lived in 4 states between military, construction and fire dept. i still gave a heavy desire for McCall and the panhandle. I ended up buying 20 acres in St Maries near Harrison. After a divorce 5 years ago i still have joint ownership but for now the land development is static. We should stay in touch. I only have 6-8 yes left w fire. Dont know just yet where ill wind up. But i will be back that way again soon i hope. By the way that was the last place i chained up.
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