OEX 13 + TAD Shemaghs


New member
We're very excited to see you guys next week at the Expo. There's some cool things in the works and hope you swing by and say hello. It'd always nice to put a face to a name.

Additionally, while sales (apologies in advance), just a quick heads up that T-Skull Shemaghs are back in stock for those interest.

Dave Bennett

We're very excited to see you guys next week at the Expo. There's some cool things in the works and hope you swing by and say hello. It'd always nice to put a face to a name.

Additionally, while sales (apologies in advance), just a quick heads up that T-Skull Shemaghs are back in stock for those interest.

I love you guys and your gear. But you guys need to sell TAD gear at these events. Nothing more frustrating to a potential TADict than seeing it and not being able to buy any. Lame plan, hope you guys rethink this!



Expedition Leader
Didn't you have a version without skulls at one time? I'd definitely be up for one without skulls if you made it.


Actually might be a good thing they aren't selling at Expo. We would be stuck on the clothes aisle like a bunch of old women waiting on the dressing room.

Yuman Desert Rat

Expedition Leader
Next year they should give them out instead of map cases and the CIA will freak out and think its a terrorist training camp. Kidding of course. I did however finally purchase my first piece of TAD clothing. (Just like I promised Gianni I would after some friendly ribbing over some beers) which BTW fits like a second skin. I'm looking forward to finding more of their goods for sale in the future.

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