Notorious Overland Routes: Nigeria to Cameroon


One of the routes down the West coast of Africa passes through Nigeria and into Cameroon.

The southern border post between the two countries started gaining a notorious reputation for being very muddy in the wet season.


The good (or bad) news is that the Chinese are starting to build a new route linking the two countries.


Here's an update on the route with a few photos and videos:

Overland Live Blog: Notorious Routes


I dream of driving that road before the new one is built... I better hurry up :)


The "Main Track" there is built soon. Yes in wet condition it may consume much time to cross and is currently very adventurous.

But there are many small tracks around who are more extreme, more hardcore than that. There the locals don't even start in wet conditions because it is really not possible without extreme preparation. And there is also no helping crew waiting for jobs.

So don`t hurry for something who is is the main road between two countries, where the locals "have to" drive. Go in some years and take that tracks where the locals not even start...

The much worse track was Mamfe-Kumba (a track beside the N6).. But the tracks who separate on that that route was really really extreme - to much for us as single car ;-) When you want harder stuff you will find it there also in 10 years ;-)

@ Zeroland: a nice blog - i will watch for further updates!

This is super cool. I was born in Cameroon and I know the Mamfe-Kumba road very well. When I was in my early teans, my Dad used to drive Mamfe-Bali in Peugeot 504. I remember those road trips in the dry seasons and even some wet and rainy seasons. But those roads are very tough to conquer during the rainy seasons.

Now I live in Texas, USA and miss driving on such roads back home. Your blog is cool to watch.


Expedition Leader
This is super cool. I was born in Cameroon and I know the Mamfe-Kumba road very well. When I was in my early teans, my Dad used to drive Mamfe-Bali in Peugeot 504. I remember those road trips in the dry seasons and even some wet and rainy seasons. But those roads are very tough to conquer during the rainy seasons.

Now I live in Texas, USA and miss driving on such roads back home. Your blog is cool to watch.


Dis one he dey fo' you. :

Best wishes from one who did all of those roads back in the day. Everything I ever learned about bad roading, from washboard to mud, to mountains, I learned in Cameroon. (Arguably the most diverse, and beautiful, country in Africa.)

Walka fine!
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