Exploring the West...A Summer of Adventure and Insights...

p nut

Nice. I've done some hiking down that way, but not a lot of camping or driving around. Looks beautiful.


Expedition Leader
A walk with through a Utah slot canyon...

The day dawned and the sun warmed us quickly. We were excited to get into the slot canyon! It provided a cool escape from the desert heat. Clear water, high walls...a hiker's dream in early August. The temperatures were actually quite enjoyable but with the water flowing; an added bonus!

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Louise and Lilly dropping into the slot...

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Lilly enjoying the first water feature!

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The slot continued...following the light...

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Louise and Lilly enjoying the day...

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Flood debris was 20 feet higher on the wall. Today, however, was a stroll in the park.

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Lilly exiting the slot...

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We were off...Bryce in the distance...The hike got us excited for the desert this fall! A month from now, the place will be busier...Today, a casual drive on the backside of Bryce.

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The north was calling...Homeward bound...

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We topped off the tank and rallied back to Park City. The trip was filled with many great experiences. The weather was perfect. And the adventures did not disappoint!
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Expedition Leader
Summer is Over...Fall on the way!

Well, I got out in the high country this past weekend. My wife had a "girl's" weekend, so she wanted me to get lost. Not too far from home... Gorgeous country.


The sunset was fantastic!


I never get sick of looking up to the sky during the evening light.


The next day involved wading and throwing a fly into the water...4 fish later it was time to head home. Time for reality!

Summer has concluded for us! No, not based on the calendar but we are all back to work...Fall is in the air here in Park City. The deserts of Utah are calling...More to come!
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