Photo Critiqing Thread


I picked up a G9 last week and spent a few day toying around with it. I'm a harsh critic of my photography, so I do not mind others constructive criticism's.

Feel free to post your photos to this thread, maybe we'll all learn something...

Here are some of I'm pleased with so far.



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I don't know that much about photography, but really liked the story the second pic tells.

Seems like the mountain bike tire looming in the background, packed with mud is ready for anything. Adventure vehicle ready to show the trails what they were made for. All that fun to be stopped by the tiniest of things... the broken link.

In my opinion, all are great pics.


GaryMc - Very nice! I also really like the middle shot.

Here are 3 I shot today on lunch, just wandering around with my little Canon A530 point & shoot (bought for hiking, skiing, etc...)





You definitely have a grasp of the near/far style of photography, and good use of shallow depth of field. As is typical of the G9, the colors are great and the exposure is right on.

Constructive Criticism:
Create some more images like these, and place your subject near the power points of the rule-of-thirds. This is one of those rules theat needs to be broken; but it is an excellent place to start. The "Rocks" photo is very close to this idea. YOu could probably just crop a little off the right side, to gain the effect.

I also like the "story" with the broken chain-link.

Lets see some more. :)
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TeleScooby said:
Here are 3 I shot today on lunch, just wandering around with my little Canon A530 point & shoot (bought for hiking, skiing, etc...)

Very graphic-arts look to the photos.
I like the bricks and pipe for color and idea. Shoot it again; but verticle, and focused. It will feel very strong. Place the joint of the pipe, at the rule of thirds, and see how it looks. It may become a secondary subject.

In the "shadow" image, the aperture is open too far. Try the same shot again, with the aperture set at f5.6 or f8. Then focus at a point about 1/3 to 1/2 the length of the shadow. Everything should come into focus. You may need to boost the ISO to keep the shutter speed up.

Mark? Any ideas?
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Photog said:
Very graphic-arts look to the photos.
I like the bricks and pipe for color and idea. Shoot it again; but verticle, and focused. It will feel very strong. Place the joint of the pipe, at the rule of thirds, and see how it looks. I may become a secondary subject.

In the "shadow" image, the aperture is open too far. Try the same shot again, wit hthe aperture set at f5.6 or f8. Then focus at a point about 1/3 to 1/2 the length of the shadow. Everything should come into focus. You may need to boost the ISO to keep the shutter speed up.

Mark? Any ideas?

Thanks for the tips! I actually shot the pipe vertically, I'm just waiting to touch it up...there seems to be something wonky with the focus on this camera, being a p&s I can't adjust it...and most of what I shot today looks fuzzy...hhmmm...


Aarrggh!!! I hate it when this happens. The worms are escaping from the tire.!!!!:Wow1:

This photo has problems - How could it be improved? Hmmm.
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Expedition Leader
Great idea for a thread. I've got a couple of photos to contribute when I can. On previous post - wrong socks!



Expedition Leader
Photog said:
This photo has problems - How could it be improved? Hmmm.

I think it's a pretty good image as is, but it could be cropped down quite a bit, and I would increase the amout of black to make it pop a bit more. Other than that, I can't think of anything that could be done to this otherwise humour and expository photo.



That wheel is very dramatic. I took your image, and boosted the contrast, and cropped it vertical. Horizontal images give a feeling of relaxed-calm. Vertical images give a feeling of action or power. This wheel seemed to need a feeling of action and power. Also, I like the out-of-focus background; but I didn't like the near edge going out of focus. This was cut off in the vertical crop.

If you get a chance to do this again, shoot it vertical, and include more than was left in this crop, and have someone behind the wheel, with something to block out the bright sky. (These are small details; but I do this to myself all the time.)

It was really good to start with. My compliments. :26_7_2:



nwoods said:
I think it's a pretty good image as is, but it could be cropped down quite a bit, and I would increase the amout of black to make it pop a bit more. Other than that, I can't think of anything that could be done to this otherwise humour and expository photo.

Here is one of the ways I have modified this photo.
Cropped it down to put the subject (worms) at a power point, while keeping a hint of the HiLift in the background. Then adding a little vignette, to keep the subject highlighted, and tone down the background.


Expedition Leader
Photog said:

That wheel is very dramatic. I took your image, and boosted the contrast, and cropped it vertical. Horizontal images give a feeling of relaxed-calm. Vertical images give a feeling of action or power. This wheel seemed to need a feeling of action and power. Also, I like the out-of-focus background; but I didn't like the near edge going out of focus. This was cut off in the vertical crop.

If you get a chance to do this again, shoot it vertical, and include more than was left in this crop, and have someone behind the wheel, with something to block out the bright sky. (These are small details; but I do this to myself all the time.)

It was really good to start with. My compliments. :26_7_2:


That is 100% better. Wow! Thanks for the tip.


I have a camera software type question, thought it fit this thread since it relates to the shots I posted earlier...

My point and shoot is a Canon A530. Starting a week ago, the focus seems DOA. It just won't focus. It says it's focusing, it chirps like it's focused on the right just doesn't focus.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? resources, etc...are much appreciated. I already checked for a Firmware update from Canon, nothing.

I'm admittedly used to my Nikon D70...but this thing is supposed to be mindless...just sorta work...

If this is too far off-topic, just let me know and I'll start another thread...thanks!


TeleScooby said:
I have a camera software type question, thought it fit this thread since it relates to the shots I posted earlier...

My point and shoot is a Canon A530. Starting a week ago, the focus seems DOA. It just won't focus. It says it's focusing, it chirps like it's focused on the right just doesn't focus.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? resources, etc...are much appreciated. I already checked for a Firmware update from Canon, nothing.

I'm admittedly used to my Nikon D70...but this thing is supposed to be mindless...just sorta work...

If this is too far off-topic, just let me know and I'll start another thread...thanks!

With the A530(edit), you should be able to use manual focus (MF). Look in your manual. If not, this is how the auto focus works - Within the focusing square, there needs to be something with high contrast, at the distance you wish to focus. A smooth wall won't focus; but the edge of a shadow on that wall, will focus.

If this does not work, try moving the focus square to some other point on the screen, and see if that helps.

This "contrast" issue is common for all auto focus systems, including the DSLR's.

Try stretching out a tape measure, extending away from you. Focus on one of the numbers, and see if it is in focus. If not, which numbers are in focus (closer or further?). Do this a few times to see if it is consistent.

Now - where is the brick wall and black pipe re-do?
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