popup shadow cruiser


Any one know about a 99 shadow cruiser popup 7' Im hopefully going to look at one soon and it looks in great shape inside and out he want 2,100 .I was thinking maybe a little high .How do you feel about 1,500 .IF anyone has one or knows anything about them please let me know.Has heat, fridge ,sink,and only small rip in windows screen from what was emailed to me .


do it! i've had a '94 shadow cruiser for over ten years and have spent a whole lot of time in it, at least 3 months/year. they're basic wooden frame aluminum skinned campers, mine has a heco roof lift system and a fiberglass roof. that roof is well insulated and i could park in the sun in mexico and stay reasonably comfortable inside. mine was 8', on a toyota tundra. on the heavy side but it handled it. if your looking to get into a truck camper cheap seems like a good way to go. i would look closely to see if it has any water damage, primarily around the vent/fan/ac or anything else cut into he roof. the roof and walls have some kinda of adhesive wall paper on them, if water has gotten in it will wrinkle and bubble. mine has developed some leaks over time around the roof corners, vents, and also around the lower rear corners of the camper when driving in very hard rain. again, i've used it alot in hot climate and long trips...10 years isn't bad if you get it for $2100.


New member
We love our 8-footer.. Check the vinyl fabric for tears/leaks. Stove/sink hardware parts available from most rv supply houses. Make sure the lift system works without binding, though it is repairable.
$2100 is a fair price if it's in OK condition.


Thanks for info guys going tomorrow to look at it will let you know how it goes.From picture it look s well yaken care of .And it on a ranger like I have so we shall see


Well went to look at it and has some old mildew on outside and some on inside.One screen is sliced all the way threw and two others have patches.There is a few small pin holes in canvas.I made them a offer and there going to let me know .


Well I got a call from the owner.She took my offer of 1,400.So after looking for 3 years found one worth it . She has owned it from day one .The roof /lift system is in great shape.Never used stove sink.Heater work ,fridege works on all three power sources.Like I said im going to have to clean ext of canvas and inside has some old mildew spots.Any good suggestions to clean them.The rest of camper is in great shapeinside and out .Just need to get some tie downs on truck they tie into truck for power.Will get some photos soon as I can.Thanks for those who have gave input. If anyone has photo of there shadow cruiser please post.


Overland Hadley,Thanks around here its hard to find these camper or if you do any in good shape. I will have pic up this week .A 75 year old woman owned it for 15 years outside and roof in great shape All appliances are like new,floor cabinets cushions and came with electric water,water filter ,battery setup, lift system in great shape and walls,floor,roof insulated.Just have to clean outside and inside canvas .It has storage under bed. It has 2 small pin holes on canvas and have to fix 1 screen. I think in a year or so will buy new canvas for it and it will be almost like it was new. It was well built back in day I would say from all others I have looked at. It weighs 960 lbs with water and loaded. Feels good on truck no problem on my ranger . She had it on a 98 brand new then put it on her 06 ranger. She travel to Alaska ,florida, and Nova Scottia .Just need to put tie downs and hookup power from truck. Happy to be part of this popup section after 3 long years searching. It will be used to travel all over the US for years I hope.Also have all paper work from new and manuals . Happy Camping everyone.


Well here they are 3 hrs cleaning canvas .Its better then I thought. Tell me what you guys think .My first truck campertruck camper 001.jpgtruck camper 002.jpg[/ATTACH]truck camper 005.jpgtruck camper 006.jpg
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Thanks guys slo f250 I have to tell you I have followed both of your builds .I have looked for one like you had a 6' camper but really hard to find around here.When I was about 20 I saw my first popup the guy had his on a 150 and ever since I have wanted one.this one is 7' and weighs 940 from factory with all the fixins.And just need to redo caulking.no leaks anywhere.And in a year or 2 I will get new canvas .The owner owned it since new and fifteen years later my turn .She took iy to Alaska and florida and other states.It was her dream to go to Alaska and I told her mine is to take it around the usa .I hope to have it atleast 15 years.She gave it to me for that price because she could see I was going to enjoy it.Monday going to install tie downs and power.Thanks slo f250 for your projects to follow.I may have question some day.Thanks again for all the post of popups projects .Happy Camping everyone


Well just a little up date,got truck wired for battery / lights for driving .I also in stalled bumper tie towns and just have to install the front tie downs .Just getting it ready for a trip to maine in a few weeks .Just added some 2x4 to bottom to clear my track rack slide. Also just putting camping gear inside .This has a lot of room for a truck camper it looks almost like the northstar popup.I had the dealer that installed the original camper on old owners truck do electrical work.I talked to him about the shadow star brand and he said back when the company was making them he sold tons of them said they were real nice little campers until around 99 0r 2000 when they sold company and the new company wasn't building them like old owners.I told him that it took me 3 long years to find this one and in this good of shape.He said it looked like it looked like a 9 out of 10 for the year .So in a few years a new canvas will go on. Will post pick when on truck and on road .Hope you guys like . Happy Camping everyone

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