Trailer living in CA


New member
Just read through this whole thread and got a kick out of it; very cool adventure. I went to school at UCSB and worked there for a couple years after graduation. It was so expensive I often wondered if I could save money by living in a small motorhome but I never had the guts to do it. Kudos and cheers!



Did that life style for quite a few years

Mo and I moved from an apartment into a large panel truck (1957 International Bread Truck) and lived in it for about three years. My first daughter spent her first year and half thinking all homes had wheels. Since I only worked as needs appeared, we got very good at stealth camping. This was also in a much more relaxed time. We could camp on the beaches of NorCal for weeks at a time without hassle. Spent quite a bit of time there and travelled as money would allow. It was a fun life but I don't think that I would want to go back to that style of living.
If I did it again, it would be after I retire, not too far in the future, and I would build up a military 6X and do my living out in the woods and desert where I am much happier. After living like that, you realize just how little you need to live happily.


Fauxverland Extraodinaire
I'm at it again! I ended up crashing at a friend's place last night but I don't want to chill with people tonight. I'm at SB Brew Co for a burger and beer. The problem is location of the trailer. Due to a bent axle, I peered under the trailer and the rubbing is so bad that it's eaten through the rubber sidewall and exposed the innards of a tire. So I'm stuck. Downtown. Next to the freeway. I am literally 100ft from the 101 with no divider wall at a dead end. Under a white street light. Hmmm, a movie at a friend's house is sounding better as I type ya can't argue with good company and a warm bed ;)
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Just stumbled on your trailer.
Thought I had seen it on the forums so I searched it
Sorry to hear about the axle

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