Trailer living in CA


Fauxverland Extraodinaire
What was once an awesome idea is now an adventure in progress. It's a short idea, but could I live out of my Jeep and trailer if I had to while still maintaining a normal life? :ylsmoke: Why would I do it? :sombrero: That sounds ridiculous! You're going to get arrested. :coffeedrink:
Well, from 8/13 through 8/25 I'll be 'boondocking' out of my trailer while still going to work 8-5. I probably won't be taking pictures so not to draw attention anywhere, but I'll write about where I stay, etc.
I only packed work clothes for a week. I'll have to access laundry next week or over the weekend. I have most of my weekend clothes since I don't really own a lot anyways. I am planning to go to LA over the weekend for personal things and I plan to stay with friends. That solves that! Will I bring the trailer or will I leave it somewhere in SB? Not sure yet. Food and water. I didn't pack any food. I'm in a big city and working a regular schedule. I eat breakfast at work, lunch at work and dinner is way too easy to find out with all the awesome restaurants here. Water? A Nalgene. With gas stations and groceries galore, I'm not worried about packing gallons of water. That was about it. I put clothes in the Jeep and hooked up the trailer which already had the bed, pillow, sheets. Did I plan well enough? Sure, this is supposed to be the kind of thing that you grab clothes and bail. Or what if my apartment building had some terrible accident?
Day 1, August 13
It started off terribly. I realized that I was driving someone else's car and didn't even HAVE my Jeep! Step 1, pack into the little car and drive an hour to get my Jeep. Swap vehicles and immediately drive an hour back to Santa Barbara. The little city where such activities might stand out. Would I camp in front of mansions in Montecito...definitely not. Once I got back to Santa Barbara, the experience lifted! I swing by my friend's house where I was storing the trailer. I was invited in for a few beers, dirtbiking videos and hanging out. With the trailer hooked up, I rolled out around 9:30pm. I should find a good spot I thought. But suddenly I found myself at my gym where I was sitting in the hot tub. Not bad. This idea could work. I can shower and hang out at the gym if I have to. I ended up in conversation that I normally wouldn't have in the hot tub (normally I really just want to go home). I walked out the front door showered, clean, teeth brushed at 10:45pm. Upon walking in to the parking lot, I realized that this might be tonight's spot. It's a HUGE parking lot, not too bright, but just enough lights for urban security. There's a motorcycle shop next door which doesn't open until 10 and who the heck really comes to the gym at 5am? I watched some Netflix on my cell phone and slept around 11:30.
Day 2, August 14
The alarm wakes me at 0700. I know I slept well because normally I wake up during the night, but not last night. I look out the window and lo and behold there are cars at the gym...I look at my bicep, meh, over it. Work starts at 8am, but since I crashed here I am 5 minutes from there. I hang out warm for another 15 minutes. Well, hmm, my clothes are all in the Jeep. Should I go in to the gym and shower or just roll? I choose option B. I put on last night's clothes, get up, do a deck change next to the car (with a few looks, but nothing bad) and roll out at 0730. I decided that I have a few minutes so I pull in to the Goleta Library parking lot to see if that would be a good spot for the next night, but no - it's much too small. Next door is a church with a back parking lot which would work, but I see another boondocker! He's brewing coffee on the tailgate of his truck. He totally knew what I was up to, and I didn't want to disturb him so I left. Park, pack my bag with comb, toothbrush, etc. I don't park the trailer in the lot at work, so it's a short walk to my office. Coffee is brewing, I get presentable in the bathroom and am at my desk at 7:55....I'm such a good employee. :clapsmile To celebrate, I log on to the Portal and American Adventurist.
I wont' be writing about my day because I'm just at work, but I'll either recap tonight or tomorrow morning where I go tonight! I might go back to the gym, but I might get more adventurous and head up in to the mountains above SB for an amazing view and quiet even though it's about 30 minutes driving. The whole point is to do it IN the city, right? :smiley_drive:
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Fauxverland Extraodinaire
Day 2 evening
So I'm sitting here after spending two hours at the gym. I didn't plan it that way but I just took my time and a long shower. I'm now at an Outback Steakhouse having a good dinner and just got handed a third 22oz Firestone Union Jack IPA for free bc I struck up a brewery convo w the bartender. Needless to say that means I won't be going far for a while.
I'm in a strip mall two blocks from work. I already checked out the back and there's plenty of parking. Might crash here. I thought about another late night hot tub, but not after drinking!
I'm debating walking to my office to watch some Netflix, but I don't like the idea of staying there late, walking back and going in a few hours later even if it is only temporary. I can stream on my cell again anyways. So we'll see where I end up. It's kind of nice to NOT be in a hurry to get home to relax. I'm actually quite relaxed now...but that might be the IPA.


Fauxverland Extraodinaire
Day 3, August 15
I ended up crashing behind a church directly across the street from my work. That's pretty nice since I set my alarm for 0715, but realize that there's an essential item I don't have. A razor. After two days, I can't not shave so down the street is Albertson's. Well, it's conveniently dangerous that they have the freshly made out I walk with donuts and a razor. It's a big parking lot and there are two shipping containers in the parking lot, so I decide that even though it's two blocks from work, I might as well park here since nobody will bother the trailer. I pack my bag and head to work. Hot coffee and donuts after a fresh shave in the work restroom. Again, I slept well last night...but that could have also been the IPA.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
What a great thread....I am going to enjoy this one.
Fun Urban Adventure and thanks for giving the real details just in case any of us need to do something like this.

Fun read and thanks for posting
This is funny. I did this when I separated with my wife. You shouldn't have any problems. You're lucky that you're doing it by choice. I'd like to see a picture of your rig if it's handy. Good luck...........


Renaissance Redneck
Awesome! We spend a couple of weeks in and around SB every year (got married there at city hall one year). Always talked about urban camping there, but its nice to wake up and surf at Rincon or Hobson. Loving the thread!

truck mechanic

I tell ya, I have chosen the full time camper route myself, though I do have it in a park. I gave up the $2500 a month house payment for a $650 a month site. i am 5 min from work and every day I go home its like being on vaca. Wish I had done this years ago and saved all that money I put into owning a house. Please keep us updated with your travels.


Fauxverland Extraodinaire
Day 2 evening
I was invited to a friend's house to bbq and happy hour which turned in to staying there until late. I was offered the spare bedroom with a Tempur Pedic bed, so I accepted. The Jeep and trailer was parked on the street in front of their house.

Day 3, August 16
At 7 I left for the gym while they were still sleeping and got ready for work there. Since it's Friday and I don't have plans until tomorrow, I think tonight might be the night that I drive up East Camino Cielo to park high above Santa Barbara, but I'm sure something fun will pop up to attend and I'll stay in town. Who knows!

This is my rig parked behind CVS
photo 1.jpg

This is how I keep my work clothes unwrinkled. Shirts on one side, pants on the other. Having a clean interior is key to keeping stuff clean.
photo 2.JPG

This is night #1's parking spot at the gym.
photo 3.jpg


Expedition Leader
have we seen that trailer before? got a build thread?

interesting adventure. skills like this will come in handy for the revolution!

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