Kodiak Canvas 10x10 Flexbow leaking at floor seams


New member
Bought this tent from Cabelas on Friday and set it up that afternoon. I knew we would be having rain off an on the next few days say wanted to do the "pre-weathering" before I took it out for real.

Monday night it rained, not sure how much but I think it was significant. Checked the tent tuesday morning, no leaks. It had a chance to dry out tuesday as it was sunny, than today (wedsenday), we had more rain (torrential downpours). I checked the tent again when I got home from work and there were some pools of water on the tent floor. It basically looks like it is seeping in along the seems where the tent walls meet the floor.

Not reallt a big deal, all tents leak or will eventually leak despite what the manufacturer claims.

1) Is there a seam sealer available specifically for canvas?

2) KC says to use kiwi camp dry which I cannot find anywhere. Can I use the scotchguard waterproofing ? It is silicone also.



New member
Have the same tent. Recently was poured on for c. 12 hours...probably 1 plus inches. Little damp inside but no leaks. Awesome tent! When it dries in hot sun canvas can stretch and leave very small holes along seam. As soon as it gets wet these seem to go away.


New member
Maybe treat the seam with never wet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZrjXSsfxMQ

Please let us know if you find a solution and what it is.

Havent watched the video yet, but KC says to not spray anything on that won't allow the canvas to breathe.

In any case, I set this tent up again in the backyard and spent three days hosing it down and letting it dry. I kept getting water leaking in and seeping in at the seams, even AFTER spraying with Kiwi camp-dri.

There are so many user reviews on this tent where people claim it stays dry and bomb proof that I wasn't ready to give up, so I just chalked this up to getting a lemon and exchanged it for a new one at Cabelas. If this one has the same issue after shrinking and weatherproofing I'll probably just return it and suck it up and buy a Springbar (would have done that to begin with but the expense, another $200 for the same size tent was a deterrent, plus I like the KC features more)


New member
Have you contacted Kodiak? Would be interested to hear what they say.

And I agree, I wouldn't treat all of the canvas. Just the seam. Given you're in a warranty situation, you should disregard that thought though. The never wet leaves a film and could raise a flag with the manufacturer.

Havent watched the video yet, but KC says to not spray anything on that won't allow the canvas to breathe.

In any case, I set this tent up again in the backyard and spent three days hosing it down and letting it dry. I kept getting water leaking in and seeping in at the seams, even AFTER spraying with Kiwi camp-dri.

There are so many user reviews on this tent where people claim it stays dry and bomb proof that I wasn't ready to give up, so I just chalked this up to getting a lemon and exchanged it for a new one at Cabelas. If this one has the same issue after shrinking and weatherproofing I'll probably just return it and suck it up and buy a Springbar (would have done that to begin with but the expense, another $200 for the same size tent was a deterrent, plus I like the KC features more)

Utah KJ

Free State of Florida
Havent watched the video yet, but KC says to not spray anything on that won't allow the canvas to breathe.

In any case, I set this tent up again in the backyard and spent three days hosing it down and letting it dry. I kept getting water leaking in and seeping in at the seams, even AFTER spraying with Kiwi camp-dri.

There are so many user reviews on this tent where people claim it stays dry and bomb proof that I wasn't ready to give up, so I just chalked this up to getting a lemon and exchanged it for a new one at Cabelas. If this one has the same issue after shrinking and weatherproofing I'll probably just return it and suck it up and buy a Springbar (would have done that to begin with but the expense, another $200 for the same size tent was a deterrent, plus I like the KC features more)

I dunno... proper seems is a pretty strong feature Springbar offers...


Contact the guys at Kodiak. They are great to work with. I've bought several of these tents for our scout troop and rain, snow, 50 mph winds, they always stay dry on the inside.


I agree, keep us posted with the outcome. So far we've only had light rain in ours, but I am interested in what Kodiak says and does.

Good luck!

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