What kits to buy


Okay guys, I need a hand here...

I have money leftover from my medical insurance this year and they cover first aid kits... he he he.

We are a family of 5. So I need your advice.

What kits are good for around the house use? for kids and visitors. I want to stay with a kit because all the medicated pads and refills are not covered, so a full kit is my best option. I figured one kit for attached to the wall at home, and one bag (kit) for in the truck for family outings. I have combed through the first aid bag thread and foudn ideas, but nothing to support larger families, most say for 2-3 people.

Here are the specs on the family

2 Adults, general healthy, no major allergies
3 kids, all under 10, allergies are peanuts so we will include our epee pen.

This needs to be a kit, so keep that in mind.

Here is one I found for home use: http://www.buyemp.com/product/johnson-johnson-50-person-first-aid-kit


the kid

Juke Box Hero
i guess the first question i should ask is how much can you spend?

look at Galls... i have some of their stuff.

the bad part is you will pay way more for a kit than it is worth... your paying for convenience. my wife is a OR nurse, and so i just have her snag me supplys from work so i can make my own custom kits. i have a kit with everything i would need to do a small surgery in the field minus the narcotics. i also have WALK -warrior aid & litter kit you can pick them up on ebay pretty cheap and they are great, probably a little overkill for at home though -i keep mine in my truck with me pretty much 24/7


Good questions. Technically, I get 100% back with the only limit being the FSA balance itself, and its a lot. The down side is it is a reimbursement, so I must have the cash on hand.

As for your examples, very complete indeed! I am only a Dad with minimal experience in the medical field, but with my family of 5 a large kit is key I think.

the kid

Juke Box Hero
id porbably buy the dyna med bag then if i was in your shoes. id buy more than less... meaning id dare go overboard and buy stuff thats beyond what you can do or would normally do. reason being you never know who is gonna stop to help, or be at your house if and when something ever did happen. if all you have is a bag full of band-aids and neosporin, then thats all your ever gonna be able to deal with. who knows maybe some time down the road you will take some first aid classes, or your neighbor accross the street will be a nurse or paramedic. then when one of the kids eats it hard on their bike in the driveway or someone sticks their finger in a plainer(watched this happen to my best friend) you will be prepaid.

some things less is more, this is not one of them, this is a black and white imo, less is less.

being a EMT and certified in wilderness emergency medical treatment/care and having a nurse for a wife, i probably am a little over the top on this kinda thing. but you never know when this kinda stuff is gonna come in handy. one day i was playing/rufhousing with my dog(see what i did there?) and i went to headbutt him but his mouth was open and he accidentally sank one of his canine teeth into the back of my head... welp i was off to the wifes work, got her to staple my head closed(without any drugs cause that would have needed a doctor and yeah why bother), but i kept the staple gun so if something ever happens again i got me one of those now too. another time i was doing a remodel on out house and i took a 10lb sledge hammer to the face -a "friend"(lol) was helping me and he swung the hammer, missed the overhead beam and the hammer came out of his hand and hit me square in the forehead. thankfully the handle is what hit me(other wise id be dead), but as that was it left a huge gash cracked my skull and required 11 stitches(and a hospital visit). but the wife ran inside and grabbed some surgical sponges out of the kit we have at home -they are supper absorbent, and i held those over my head as my friend drove me to the hospital. the metal head of the hammer hit my hand and broke several bones in my hand.
hammer to the face aftermath;

i also carry a smaller kit on my person when if go out on SAR mission. and a slightly larger more advanced kit when im deployed and out on patrols/missions that contails everything one would need to do a small emergency surgery, minus the narcotics -doc has those, but not what i have, go figure. i put this together after watching blackhawk down and Restrepo, sure ones just hollywood, but im sure what happened was not that far from the truth and very very plausible, and restrepo well that was the real deal. i have never had to use my field kits and hope to God i never will, but i dont want to look back and think "if i had only... he might still be here today..." again i know this is probably a little more than you will need at home, but i air on the side of caution or preparedness.


I like Adventure Medical Kits. I have a bunch of their ultralight stuff for backpacking. Costco usually has some home kits in a zip case that seem to be a good deal, too.


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