No Right Hand Drives Allowed in El Salvador


Tried this today.

To go from Guatemala into El Salvador, you must first surrender your 90 day temp import visa at the Aduana. Which now cannot be renewed until you have exceeded your original expirary date. In our case, 74days.

One is now in no mans land while filling out the required forms for ES import. Only to have the nice customs official inspect your rig and return with a translated copy of the law stating "no right-ruddered vehicles allowed into the country, not even for a day".

Being unable to return to Guat and denied entry into ES, we were seriously :censor:
First option: pay for a temp escort back through Guat - to the Mexico border only (Honduras is not allowed) for $600 USD and wait out the 74 days to carry on.

Second Option (after 3hrs playing every angle, including a lawyer): turn over the title to my Girlfriend who could then get a new temp import for Guat in her name to drive to Honduras. Which we ended up having to do.

Expensive lesson. DO NOT go to El Salvador with a Right-hand Drive! Doesn't matter which border crossing.

Safe Travels.


I can say that the border crossings in both El Salvador and Honduras have been upgraded in the last 6 months. There's absolutely no bribing at the ES crossing. But have at 'er if you're a diplomat or feeling lucky.

As for Guat, they have things like computers now..... That don't allow your permit to be re-issued within the 90 day window.
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