Simple Shower


Best of luck!

I have some friends that work the outdoor expo that got me in a couple of times. That gathering is pretty sweet. The sheer amount of cool "stuff" is really impressive and makes me wish I had a lot more money and a lot more room in my house.

Other than your shower, anything of of note that caught your eye?

I haven't had a chance to look much (been manning the booth the entire time), but I saw some interesting things - a solar oven that is longish and folds up the size of a laptop case, sunscreen mixed with bug repellant, and a beer :). Actually, the guy next to me sells the "Pocket Roaster" - a collapsible marshallow/hot dog roasting stick with the tines facing the user (little chance of poking anyone with it). It's something I recommend.

For our Canadian Neighbors, MEC will carry the Simple Shower in the spring. I also have a potential Aussie distributor.


For our Canadian Neighbors, MEC will carry the Simple Shower in the spring.

That's excellent news! Congratulations. MEC is a massive retailer in Canada. I've noticed that they have begun to carry a lot more of the luxury camping products, lately. It used to be only the lightweight, hardcore stuff. Now they have the gorgeous but hideously expensive Snowpeak furniture, Magma Products stoves, etc.




Got mine from Amazon a few months back and finally had a chance to use it last weekend. It worked great, as expected, and has found a permanent home with my camping gear.

Thanks a making a great product!


Thanks Xrunner :)

To all, just returned, after about 3400 miles on the road. OR was awesome! Must do again. After leaving SLC, went to the Grand Canyon and saw many herds of mule deer, turkeys, and bison (alas, one was "roadkill" as was the truck that struck it). Also saw a couple of pods of Orca off California's Central Coast. Stopped at the Real Goods store in Ukiah - they seem interested in carrying the Simple Shower (made in the US with recycled material, and assembled by a non-profit that hires the developmentally disabled - what's not to like?). Now for some serious sleep (KOA by the freeway last night).

precision powder

Backwoods Explorer
If you could make an adapter for this with a shut off valve for say the msr dromedary bags you could have an even bigger hit with people that like to set up base camps.


I have a 2.5 gal Scepter can, and it fits that. I'll keep the Dromedary bag adapter in mind (it's part of the patent application) for future production.


I think I got the last one on,it would lemme order 1,but wouldn't lemme order 2,it says "Out of stock",LOL! It cam ein a couple of days ago,but as I haven't been bike-packing or Jeep camping (the reason I wanted a couple) yet,I hadn't used it-so I drained a 1.5ltr bottle of Mtn Dew (I was thirsty :p) and tried it out,works great! Can't wait to get to doing one of those (bike-packing/Jeep camping) next weekend and try it in the field :sombrero:


Not sure why Amazon says "sold out" as they're holding 11 units in reserve. Seriously :confused:... Either way, another case was delivered earlier, so it should be on Amazon soon.

Anyhow, thanks for buying one Singlespeed. Check out our website - there's a retailer on there who charges less than Amazon and would appreciate the business.


Not sure why Amazon says "sold out" as they're holding 11 units in reserve. Seriously :confused:... Either way, another case was delivered earlier, so it should be on Amazon soon.

Anyhow, thanks for buying one Singlespeed. Check out our website - there's a retailer on there who charges less than Amazon and would appreciate the business.

Cool,will do :)

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