Belafonte Reboot....Ambulance to 4x4 Camper Conversion


Expedition Leader
I'm not sure about stretcher hangers. The only things I recall from the ceiling were what I thought were grab rails. Longer versions of what's by the doors. Pics maybe?


Expedition Leader
My Crestline has 2 aluminum hooks on the wall and two bars that pull out from hangers on the ceiling. I've not got any pics right now but I'll see what I can do about that.


My Crestline has 2 aluminum hooks on the wall and two bars that pull out from hangers on the ceiling. I've not got any pics right now but I'll see what I can do about that.

I doubt the hooks on the ceiling are meant to bear any weight. They are more than likely meant to hang IV fluid bags and nothing more than that.


Expedition Leader
In the video they did call them stretcher hangers, but it wasn't clear if they are stretcher hangers as in storage, or meant to hang a stretcher with a person on it. My guess is the former, but hard to tell. Admittedly I just skimmed through the vid since it was pushing 30 minutes in length and is essentially a 30 minute commercial.


It's possible that they are for a stretcher - stretcher capability is fairly common in ambulances, but a squad seat design that will also accommodate a stretcher is the most common. I've seen hanging stretcher supports as standard in military ambulances.

The best way to tell would be to see what kind of fastenings are used on the hooks - if you see something like two #8 screws, then plan on IV bags. If you see something like some 3/8" bolts, then they would probably be for a stretcher hanger.


Expedition Leader
It sounds like you've only got IV hangers. The stretcher hangers are very identifiable. I'll take a pick of mine when I've got an opportunity. I wrongly assumed they were standard equipment. My rig was originally equipped to handle 3 stretchers with patients. I'd not want to ride far hanging from the ceiling... But in case of a disaster, I'd set that aside.


Those look like they're for hanging an occupied stretcher - if they were just to store a stretcher, they wouldn't hang it flat, they'd hang it folded up


Expedition Leader
If they were a foot lower/longer and repositioned, they could support a 48" platform. Since you don't have them you could mount hinges with removable pins on the wall and use straps/cable/chain to support the second side.


Expedition Leader
There are two compartments for storing empty stretchers. When I looked for pics all google found were of 4 stretchers in a ghostbusters Ambulance on similar mounts... Looked real fun.


Expedition Leader
Looking great!!
I had to drill out doors for my mirrors also!

Hey man. Long time. Yeah, busted out the step bit and made pretty short work of it. The studs in the mirrors wouldn't reach through thoug so I had to replace them with machine screws. It wasn't a hard project or all that time consuming, but more on the annoying side because they're advertised as a direct fit, and they aren't by any stretch of the imagination. If you know the deal ahead of time and what it takes its no bigee. If you don't, and bust open your box all excited to go grab your screw driver and ratchet so you can slap on your new spiffy mirrors, you might end up juuust a bit disappointed. :)

Where you at, all done? I still have some minor interior details to work out, but a couple of big things to get done as well. I want to regear, and still thinking I want that hypermax turbo kit, and something has to be done about paint. Looks too much like an ambulance still.


Expedition Leader
Bikersmurf : Where might a fella come up with about 3-4 of those hangers? Gives me something of an idea to play with.


Expedition Leader
I'm sure you could get them from Crestline in Saskatchewan... (if you've got a spare arm and a leg)... :D (They'd likely be cheaper custom machined out of 10 carrot gold)
Other than that, some of the online Ambulance Parts places.

Come to think of it, I'd use seat belt buckles on the wall and ceiling to suspend a platform if I was starting from scratch.

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