Window Tint - Pros/Cons/Opinions/Examples


Moving from Florida (where tint is an unspoken necessity) to Colorado, I'm debating whether or not to tint the front windows of my new Tahoe. Wanted to reach out to you all and discuss your beliefs on tinting, what percent you have if any, and photos of your rig's tint.

PROs: Looks cool! :safari-rig:, more privacy for when I'm in the car, or when my things are unaccompanied inside, and obviously the shade/protection it provides from damage caused by years of the sun beating down on dash, seats, etc.

s: Possible tickets (although I doubt I'd go anywhere near dark enough for them), but mostly the concern that it will hinder my vision when driving at night through the mountain passes, or in inclement Colorado weather in general.

To be clear, I'm not looking to "limo" tint my windows by any means. My current back windows are right at 20%, so I likely wouldn't go anywhere less than 15/20%. POSSIBLY a strip along the front windshield as well, but concerned I'd be staring at it directly (6'3"). Cheers! :friday:



I personally feel that tinted front windows are a safety issue, if I can't see you and can't tell where you're looking I will always assume you arent paying attention and are about to do something dumb that puts me in danger. Force of habit left over from my days of commuting on a motorcycle. I vote you leave it alone.


"That" guy
Previous owner of my truck put some crazy dark tint on every window, save for the windshield. +1000 cool points and comfort, -1500 points for being im-freaking-possible to see out in all but the brightest sunlight.

If I were to redo it, I'd do something light. 90%, maybe 80% tops.


Expedition Leader
I personally feel that tinted front windows are a safety issue, if I can't see you and can't tell where you're looking I will always assume you arent paying attention and are about to do something dumb that puts me in danger. Force of habit left over from my days of commuting on a motorcycle. I vote you leave it alone.

So, according to this, tint makes things safer since you are more cautious when vehicles have it:coffeedrink:

I personally love tint! Keeps the car cooler, saves the interior and keeps the glare out of my eyes. Colorado has some VERY intense sun, especially reflecting off the snow. The brightness and severity of the glare is more dangerous and blinding than the tint around here. :sombrero: Also over 300 days a year of it here!!

Edit: interesting to see that the other two posters are from a state that has a very strict tint law. I'd be curious to know how much exposure to tinted vehicles they really have?


Living and traveling all over the south, I feel it's a bit of a requirement to help keep vehicles cooler, all within legal limits. My preference is for a factory appearance so the tint is not as noticeable either. The (aftermarket, not factory) tinted rear glass while driving at night makes it a bit more difficult to discern type of vehicle approaching (smokey, or not?) but that is very minor. As for front side windows at the legal limit I don't feel it is dark enough to be a concern.

Subaru Impreza OBS with 35% tint all around:




As mentioned previously, the rear window is a mild annoyance while driving at night but nothing more than that.

My Astro van with factory tint on side and rear windows and legal 35% tint on front side windows. The addition of the front tint was very noticeable for comfort while driving afterwards. If I ever wanted to go darker on the rear sides for additional privacy (stealth camping, etc) I'd just vinyl wrap it rather than tint for cost/ease of install.

Depending on the angle and light, the tint looks darker than it really is:


A more accurate representation of front tint:


"That" guy
My own experience with dark tint is limited - just my own truck. My commuter has zero tint, and it suits me just fine in NorCal. When I was stationed in TX, it was impossible to get by without tint, and there's no way I'd have owned a vehicle without it.

This, as with everything else, is dependent on a user's specific needs and situation. For me, the need for tint isn't as great as my need to see out of the front door windows when making a turn on a dark street, like at the intersection near my house (seriously, why is that street corner so dark?).


Expedition Leader
This, as with everything else, is dependent on a user's specific needs and situation.
True that. In not-so-sunny Oregon, I purposely turned down the tinted side windows for clear and will be taking off the tint on the slider window.


I may change my mind later on, but at the moment, it's most important to me to have the clear view and greater amount of light.


Expedition Leader
I wanted stealth and cooler temps when hanging out with a baby, wife and two big dogs inside! So on the Eurovan they are dark. Not all tinted the same though. The front windows, slider door and rear hatch glass are lighter than the rest to make it easy to see out. But from the outside they all look very dark.



SAR guy
If you buy the expensive material (high IR blocking and metallic pigments), you'll find that you get most of the benefit starting about 2 shades up from clear. The additional performance tapers off after that.

So my vote would be a very light, factory-looking tint on your front side windows, and 2-3 shades darker for the rear.



Central Scrutinizer
What is my best course of action to correct this? Should I delete one of the threads? Problem with that is that it deletes all the information and time spent by those there a way to combine two threads?

Send a PM to a moderator. They would rather you combine the two than delete any info.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
I went with some of the new UV/heat blocking tint on my 70 suburban since I have square acres of glass.
It doesn't block that much light when I am driving at night yet it makes a HUGE difference in the inferno known as a Phoenix summer. Even did the windshield and I am super happy.
You can see anyone in the vehicle front seats which meets legal req yet keeps the heat out.

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