CVT RTT Mt. Bachelor vs. Mt. Washington


New member
Hey all,

I'm going to take advantage of the CVT group buy (!) and am trying to decide between the Mt. Bachelor and Mt. Washington models. Both have the same footprint, interior space, and annex, price, etc. as best I can tell. The primary difference seems to be in the tent itself with the Mt. Washington having a more open design.

I can't find anything at all about the Mt. Washington in terms of reviews, I guess it is too new for that, and can't find a comparable tent by another manufacturer. I don't necessary want to be a guinea pig for a new design but I do like the Mt. Washington's potential for greater air flow and better views.

My major concern is that the Mt. Washington seems to be a more fair weather tent and might not hold up to heavy rain/snow as well as the Mt. Bachelor.

Anyone have any insight on this?


Looks to me like the Mt. Washington is s fair weather tent for desert and/or warm weather camping. It has that wrap around mesh around the two sides and no separate side windows. The Mt. Bachelor is more of a traditional 3-season tent with side windows with separate "awnings", etc. I'd go with the Mt. Bachelor myself.


Supporting Sponsor
Hey all,

I'm going to take advantage of the CVT group buy (!) and am trying to decide between the Mt. Bachelor and Mt. Washington models. Both have the same footprint, interior space, and annex, price, etc. as best I can tell. The primary difference seems to be in the tent itself with the Mt. Washington having a more open design.

I can't find anything at all about the Mt. Washington in terms of reviews, I guess it is too new for that, and can't find a comparable tent by another manufacturer. I don't necessary want to be a guinea pig for a new design but I do like the Mt. Washington's potential for greater air flow and better views.

My major concern is that the Mt. Washington seems to be a more fair weather tent and might not hold up to heavy rain/snow as well as the Mt. Bachelor.

Anyone have any insight on this?

Good morning,

We do have a few of them out but I do not believe they are forum folks. It is very new and I have not had it in weather yet either. When zipped up there should be no problems. I think it will do well as it is a little tighter and could take the weather a little better then again all a fly does is take the brunt of things. I was going to go up to the moutains with it but our snow has been horrrible and when I left to PA then we got 3' of snow..ugh.. so I missed all the great snow. That would have been a great test. We will see. If you want this tent and are worried about anything please feel rest assured that any problem you might come upon I am more than happy to hook you up with something else. I would go with your gut and just remember that no matter what happens we have a great warranty and my cell phone is always handy should you need anything. (it is on the website).

Hope this helped,



New member
Just used my MT. Washington during a week in MOAB for the first time and last night camping here in Alberta. Stay away from it if you live in anything other then the desert. It rained fairly hard last night for about an hour and a half. Water gets in near the corners of the metal frame and drips down the poles onto the mattress. Mid night I felt the roof of the tent while lying down and it was soaked. By morning our pillows were damp as was the entrance (ladder side) by our feet. All zippers were done up as well, given our unpredictable climate I'm gonna have to see if CVT makes some kind of a weatherproof fly I can hook over top or else put my own tarp over top of it.


Supporting Sponsor
I am sorry to hear of this. We do not make a fly for it but what I can do is switch you out and get you a bachelor. Let me know.
Again sorry for inconvenience.

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surly adventurer
Great info and mfg responses. We need something for or JK and being in the Northwest the MT Bachelor spuds like a better option.
Is that a good size for a Jeep though? This I have no idea!


Supporting Sponsor
Great info and mfg responses. We need something for or JK and being in the Northwest the MT Bachelor spuds like a better option.
Is that a good size for a Jeep though? This I have no idea!

It or the Mt Shasta would be a great fit for 2 people. How many are you trying to sleep? What rack do you have?

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surly adventurer
It or the Mt Shasta would be a great fit for 2 people. How many are you trying to sleep? What rack do you have?


Probably be my wife and I or myself and two young boys. We don't expect everyone to fit and have a manageable load so we plan to split the family into to tents.

The Frontrunner rack is at the top of our list. We also like the AEV rack but it's shorter and the misses likes the light bars up front so that knocks the choice down a peg.

If we like the tent we could end up with a second on a trailer (don't have that yet either) for the wife and daughter..... And that makes five.

Yeah I know. Maybe two JKs is what we need :)


surly adventurer
Lol... You can do a rainier or hood as we have put a McKinley on a 4 door JK before. That sleeps 5 of us

We'll check those out. Current we live in the PNW. But do move for work. Over the next 4 year we expect to use it here and hope to hit AZ and UT too. So any weather is possible.
Our youngest is 1 so a couple years before she can climb on top of a JK but a trailer.... I give her a year and she'll manage that in the dark.

We're difficult... If it were me I'd ask what's dry in a monsoon and go with that!

Anyway thanks for the recommendations. We will get out some cardboard templates and compare sizes.


Here's a Mt. Shasta on a Gobi rack:




surly adventurer
Looks thicker than I expected. Granted I am learning about these. How does it handle?

Looks very cool btw


New member
I am sorry to hear of this. We do not make a fly for it but what I can do is switch you out and get you a bachelor. Let me know.
Again sorry for inconvenience.

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Thanks again Bobby, you guys really do value customer service and I'll definitely be recommending your tents to others in the future.

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