Anyone have pix of how they mounted solar panels


The figures will change based on the particular panel, and implementation, the general rule is to allow for air space. CIGS Panels and some others have less efficiency loss as they heat up, but I think they all do.

Yuman Desert Rat

Expedition Leader
Solar panel mounted on roof rack.

This is a temporary setup. I'm not sure if I'll keep the 100W hard mounted panel. I have a 60W powerfilm that I'll probably place in service for when I need it but it works great for now.


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I originally installed my panels for the freezer fridge, but found it also useful for lots of camp 12 volt equipment and lighting. It is 9 15watt panels that produce 15 volts, hooked up in parallel. Goes to a 700watt charge controller, which then goes to 2 deep cycle batteries where the spare tire well is. It also has a 4 gauge wire running to front battery with a disconnect switch at the rear battery bank. On the highest point of the sun, my charge controller says I get over 10 amps of charge.20140729_165754.jpg20140729_165712.jpg20140729_165636.jpg

When I installed the panels, I fabbed some 3 inch risers for the panels to have a clear air path under. This hugely cools the roof off in sunny days, helping with the overall thermal load buildup inside when the car is off.

The panels and charge controller are from Harbor Freight.


I finally got around to installing my Grape Solar 100W Flex panel. Time will tell if the mounting holds up. So far, it seems pretty decent. I like the panel, low profile, light weight, and works fairly well.


Mounting Base

More pictures at my gallery here.


I finally got around to installing my Grape Solar 100W Flex panel. Time will tell if the mounting holds up. So far, it seems pretty decent. I like the panel, low profile, light weight, and works fairly well.


Mounting Base

More pictures at my gallery here.

I STRONGLY urge you to find a more permanent method of securing your solar panels other than zip ties. In the heat and direct sunlight you will only get about 12 months of reliable strength from those zip ties. They will quickly become brittle and will easily break, then WOOSH!, there go your solar panels as you are driving down the highway.


It is glued on to the bars, the zip ties are a safety feature in the event the glue gives way, they are not load bearing. I agree there are better ways, I just haven't quite sorted it out yet. I posted the picture of the bottom of the panel, you can just make out the glue in spots. I'll be testing it carefully and monitoring to ensure it stays put. If it does not hold up, I plan on removing it.


Expedition Leader
oh, zipped AND glued. lol. You've got some funky ideas about mounting stuff. Why didn't you just use some J-bolts or fabricate some brackets? Could have some real nice clamps on the tubing with cap-head screws using allen or torx or some other tamper-resistant driver type.

nice rack and install location. Lot of money spent up there to be going low-budget on the mounting.



Both panels down for dry fitment


Coated up with gaco roof.

I also opted for thumb screws and wing nuts (both stainless) alone with drilling the screws for pins. Those were NOT fun to drill.




Both panels down. Just need to tidy the wiring up a bit.

Those are some great pictures. I just ordered 2 Renogy 100W 12V bendable mono crystalline panels to mount with adhesive on my new FWC Hawk. They're only 0.12 " thick for better aerodynamics and only 4 lbs each. If in the future one goes bad, I'll just glue another one on top of it. I'll post some pix soon. I get them on Friday. I originally was gonna mount my two rigid panels like IdaSHO did in the above post but weight and airflow were my biggest concerns nor did I want to drill into the camper.

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