What have you done to your Land Cruiser Today?


Went to do a knuckle rebuild and both birfields were shot! :(



Finally got around to putting carpet on my fridge slide out after building it almost 2 years ago


Butchered a cheap sun shade to make a reflective top for my fridge - figured it couldn't hurt. Got the idea from ab1985 - thanks pal!



Made an appointment with Torfab to get the 3FE replaced with a SBC. Will not miss that motor.


What is shot about them? Heat marks?

No the heat marks are not an issue.
Axle was very loose inside the bearing cage and you could feel it bind when you turned it. Hairline crack in the other.
Didn't want to risk it for my upcoming 4000 mile trip so for the sake of $360 decided to replace them. Will clean them up and see if one is worth keeping or rebuilding and keep it as a trail spare.
Pleased I ordered that knuckle rebuild kit from you Kurt, the wheel bearings on the left side were all pitted and chewed up. Had evidence of water in there.

Dr. Freud

New member
Performed a midnight apartment parking lot brake job to fix a stuck caliper and a destroyed set of pads. Had her back in order and ready for family hauling duties in the morning. Gotta love having one vehicle...


Since we were supposed to be camping on the Rubicon this weekend.. and my rear brakes exploded instead this morning... this is this weekends project. Ha.. I make the brackets, I just haven't had the time to put them on my own truck yet. Finally... going to have disks in the rear.



New member
went back down to my mates shed again tonight as my parts i ordered about 2 1/2 weeks ago from the UAE finally arrived...it's bloody rediculous that i can get genuine parts from UAE at a quarter of the price to what the local Toyota stealerships charge here...no wonder people buy online these days.
anyhow that aside... fitted a new viscous fan hub, new radiator shroud and swapped out the 105 series (blue dot) fan blade for an 80 series (yellow dot) one. will now see if the new viscous fan hub stops the temp gauge climbing on big hills whilst i'm towing our camper trailer.

Bro, can you share where you ordered your gear in the UAE from?

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Started taking brakes apart I hope I have enough fluid and can get my rusted lspv to bleed..and today my rear transfer case seal decided to go..ugg!!


Bro, can you share where you ordered your gear in the UAE from?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
yeah no worries, it was from this site... http://www.amayama.com/
you just need to join up and then know the Toyota part numbers you want.... put them into the SEARCH box on the page, it'll likely give you a few options of where the part was available from and prices from each country (in my case the parts were in Japan and UAE, though UAE is much cheaper but is a bigger chance of delays or a chance they won't have the part even if it says so on the original search).
once you've choosen what you want you send off the list, they'll get back to you in a day or so with exact price of items plus the shipping cost, you then pay via Paypal (i just used a VISA debit card i have for online purchases via that option as i've not got funds in a Paypal account) and they'll confirm alls good after that. i got regular emails letting me know what was happening as far as the shipping went...so was happy with using them.
i ordered 4 parts from them, a week afterwards they said one part was no longer in stock in the UAE (which it did warn about could possibly happen when you order from UAE) and they refunded my money for that item. luckily for me it was the cheapest item i had ordered in the lot, so i went and paid the premium from my local Toyota store and they got it the next working day for me. That $9.50 UAE priced item cost me $44.50 here in Australia...but i got it the next working day instead of 2 1/2 weeks later.

Yuman Desert Rat

Expedition Leader
Dismantled the dash and cleaned out the vents, instrument panel, started working on a fix for the dual power outlets, detailed inside and gave it a good scrubbing....
Whats in your vents?
I'm going to make a new aluminium plate that will be recessed into the spot where the full Tim outlets were. Im going to install 2 new blue sea outlets. One regular outlet and a dual USB.

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