Custom Truck Bed Build for FWC & Chevy 2500 Duramax

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
I have insight on the rapid flasher you had mentioned. I have a 04, that i put a flat bed on, in our chevys the flasher works off of current draw, so anything that taxes the flasher module more or less than stock( more lights, LED lights) causes the rapid flash. However it is a quick and easy, should be fairly cheap. You just need a mech flasher module, I think mine was $40,ish from an auto parts store. If you have not gotten this figured out yet let me know and I will post pics of how to replace it. Just a plug under the dash, behind the driver side fuse panel. Love the build, Im hoping to soon mount a northstar 850sc to mine, but with the flat bed and folding sides to help with weight.

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