Looking for info on my Mitchell 7.5ft slide in.


I recently picked up this 88 Mitchell slide in. I'm looking for more info on Mitchell campers in general and my model in particular. No idea what model I have. A wiring diagram would be a huge help.

Found the vin tag, it was painted with a couple coats of white.

The four X's indicate that it was equipped with electric, stove, heater and fridge.
Not sure what the D.7.6.1003 is or the 008057 its too faded to tell.


I'm trying to find another picture of a tag online but no luck so far. I have found a couple sites with Mitchell info but nothing specific to my camper.

Pulled a tape on the base and its 7'6" on the nose, maybe the weight is 1003? I had the whole setup weighed the other day and it totaled 2280 with a full water tank, pretty much ready to go so that's feasible.


You can check out my build here:

Thanks in advance!
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I just spent the last half hour trying to decode that Division of Housing plate :(

1003 seems light for that camper. I'm thinking more like 1500 lbs.

"D" could be the floorplan or model designation, although in earlier models they were called names like "Sioux", etc.

I agree, 7.6 looks like it could mean 7'6"

67903 should be the factory-built Certification Number, as in "FB 67903"

Plan B:

Send a PM to user: docdave and see if he will send you a pic of the info plate on his '93 Hallmark, also made in CO.




Thanks for the info.

This is my first camper so I'm not familiar with the tags at all, I'm assuming the FB number is like the vin of sorts since it was stamped into the plate?

Ill shoot docdave a pm.



I'm assuming the FB number is like the vin of sorts since it was stamped into the plate?

No, I think the stamped number is a common certificate issued to the manufacturer by the State of Colorado. The hand-engraved number 008xxx would most likely be the serial # or VIN of sorts.


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No, I think the stamped number is a common certificate issued to the manufacturer by the State of Colorado. The hand-engraved number 008xxx would most likely be the serial # or VIN of sorts.


Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

Gotcha, thanks Jason.

I PM'ed docdave, hopefully he can shed some light.


After much google searching last night I was able to locate the owner of the website above on another forum and here is his response to my inquiry!!
Not exactly the answers I was looking for but some interesting info none the less.

Hi Greg,

Congrats on buying your first Mitchell! I see you found my website. I really need to update and expand that site but I've just been a little busy. In addition to my 79 11' Mitchell, I recently acquired a 1978 11' Great Divide camper that is all original and I am restoring it to mint. I mostly focus on the late 60's and 70's Mitchell campers, motorhomes, etc. I'm sorry to say that I know very little about the campers produced during the 80's, other than the fact that they are very rare. The Mitchell family pretty much shut down their camper operations by 1981 to focus on the modular housing line of business but it seems like they tinkered a little with producing just a few campers throughout the 80's but it never took off. I saw a late 80s Mitchell camper for sale last week or so in Colorado Springs on Craigslist. I do think that 7'6" would be an extremely odd length as 8 foot is standard. You might measure the length of the box to make sure. I'm afraid that I can't help you with the tag. Some had State of CO housing tags in addition to the Mitchell serial number tags. The Mitchell tags were primarily just a serial number and production date for sale documentation purposes. Not related to the model or layout of the camper, at least during the 70's models. I have a couple of original Mitchell owners manuals and the serial numbers do not correlate to any model information. Unfortunately the campers produced during the late 80's are so rare that there is virtually no information on them. If you are really interested, the 3rd generation Mitchell family is still in business making decking materials out of the same factory location in Commerce City. You could stop by and I am sure one of the Mitchell members might have some information. Another good source is at 5 Star RV in Henderson. They are a camper dealer and there are a few old timers, Bill is parts, Jay the owner, and a couple of technicians, that used to work for Mitchell and are very knowledgeable and helpful. Sorry that I couldnt be of more help to you. Good luck with you Mitchell camper! If you are ever interested in a 70's Mitchell, let me know and I can keep an eye out for a good one. There is a small following for the vintage Mitchells and folks often ask me to help locate one for them which I am happy to do.

Take care,


We've been enjoying our 88 Mitchell for almost a year now. Originally it was on a trailer and I was towing it around with my Jeep.

Last fall I picked up a 94 CCLB Chevy 3500 to haul it around with.
20140824_124450 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

20140830_190059 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

Looks tiny in there compared to some rigs in this section!


Swapped in 4 heated buckets from an Escalade, along with the center console.




When I first got the camper the heater was pretty noisy, I pulled the unit out of the camper to try to figure it out.I have a pdf of the manual for my current Hydro Flame Corp unit with all the wiring and trouble shooting. The fan bearings are sealed and it doesn't look like it was meant to be serviced in any way. I re installed the unit and all has been good until a couple weeks ago when the noise came back. Kinda sounds like one of the fans rubbing on the box or maybe a bearing going out..

I would really like to replace it with a more modern unit. I have ample space under the closet where the current heater is and I'm not afraid of modifying the wall for a new exhaust.

Anyone here done such a thing? Where would I look for a replacement unit?
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metal melter
You could just buy a new fan motor. Or upgrade to a new or larger Attwood. There are lots of them all over the ebay and the rest of the internet. Some really good prices too. I was looking for one back in the fall before I decided to go wood heat.


Thanks for your post uriedog, Atwood gave me a lot more search results. After looking at the offerings and costs I opted to replace the motor on my unit and see what happens. It sounded good on fire up but the first trip out will be the real test.
20150320_184844 by colorado_baja, on Flickr


Not sure what happened to my photos in the origional post and I guess they are to old to edit, since I dont have that option next to reply.

In any event I'm still looking for any other Mitchell owners or info on Mitchell campers.

Here is the housing tag.

10007004_1477290099169500_2441768381928041093_n by colorado_baja, on Flickr

The camper measures 7' 6" on the base, when I first got it it was mounted to a trailer so we had it scaled.

10256451_1478177469080763_9115740991928013220_n by colorado_baja, on Flickr

10389012_1497037483861428_9189315717851452191_n by colorado_baja, on Flickr

The trailer empty weight was 926 lbs leaving you with 1354 lbs worth of camper.

20141014_131256 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

The camper was loaded with water and pretty much everything except the food boxes and cooler when it was scaled so I think 1003 is the weight on the tag.

What I find odd is its height, its a couple inches short of clearing the cab on my 94 chevy, same body style that they would have had in 88.

Here are some interior pics,

10290620_1477290112502832_8091467088416516791_n by colorado_baja, on Flickr

10268621_1477290125836164_191967630075292142_n by colorado_baja, on Flickr

10460784_1509550192610157_4765722273679797848_n by colorado_baja, on Flickr

Replaced all the running light fixtures, they were toast.

10547459_1508937546004755_4010196685991817439_n by colorado_baja, on Flickr

10474453_1508937526004757_4158653244408802473_n by colorado_baja, on Flickr

10509522_1508937516004758_4701932984539302666_n by colorado_baja, on Flickr

10513320_1508937499338093_347032511092006485_n by colorado_baja, on Flickr

Couple random exterior pics

1891079_1552790934952749_2682845291061459039_n by colorado_baja, on Flickr

20141017_161914 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

20150617_140742 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

At 13k + ft for the Pikes Peak Hill Climb last year.

20150628_120909 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

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