
Capt PJ
Brian T. told me of this place and I am finally here. I have to say the Lance 1161 has pushed me here, she is falling apart, nose rot and slide sill failure. Before posting I have been doing some reading...and I must say WOW and whole new way to look at campers.

Maybe I will stumble upon it eventually but a little help would be nice. Since I am planning on doing a skin off restore of the entire camper, making it stronger, weather tight as possible, more suited to my needs sort of thing...can you point to a thread that has done such work. I just have not found it yet.

I will not be a total off road guy as I will not be changing out the truck, but I have done some exploring where I have had folks say "isn't it great to have a 4x4 and get up here!" My reply is "it is only a dualy 2 by" the jaw usually drops...that happend once when I was hauling a boat in the High Seirra once as well. I love it!

It appears I am going to enjoy being here from what I have read and viewed so far. Warm regards, PJ

Overland Hadley

on a journey
Welcome PJ. Thanks for the introduction.

Not sure of any threads of Lance restorations, maybe somebody else can point you in the right direction.


Capt PJ
Capt E, I guess it took me a while as I really didn't think that what I was doing was doing in the way of my travel was fitting the classification of EXPIDITION. But since Brian has poked me occassionally to check it out and that the Lance has issues I began to think that I need a better set up...stronger! The design and layout are very usable on the 1161. My Dodge 3500 is strong and I have it as I like it. So do I go another way or rebuild with doing things better. Just looking around this site has me thinking.

Presently, I think the rebuild is on the horizon. I have not been working much by choice as a Captain. I have put my credentials out there and now I am starting to get calls. So maybe I will go back to work and just have a local place rebuild the Lance and pay for it and not touch the savings. This local place has a stellar reputation and mived inot town. Makes it much easier to bother them. They will do what ever I want and since they have done so many rebuilds they have loads of ideas. So thanks for your gracious welcome!! Now to be more formal. Warm regards, Capt. PJ


West slope, N. Ser. Nev.
We suddenly have a lot of captains around here! (I only attained E6 in the 562d USAF band) PJ, Don't let the 'expedition' part fool you, these are regular folks with a vision of going to terra incognita and back, just not on the main road, and maybe just down the street and back, or just dreaming about it. The most inventive and out-there forum on here is for sure the expedition trailer forum. For a Lance specific rebuild I might recommend the LOA (Lance owners association) as it is Lance specific and there are a lot of rebuilds going on there. Oh, and it's kind of a Lance Love Fest (ad nausium). The most inviting parts of E.P. are the folks on the edge of each respective forum. It's just the way they overcome technical obstacles with seeming ease. I digest fine and usable info from about half of the forums on here, not just the hard side camper forum.
regards, jefe


Capt PJ
Jefe, I was USAF '69-'78 E5 surface frght last stationed USAFBase McChord in Tacoma. The Captain comes from my USCG license as Master US Merchant Marine. I appreciate everyone's welcome. I don't consider myself a globel trotter with a earth moving piece of equipment, but like to go off the beaten path. I wish the TC was aluminum like my boat, now that would be sweet going down the road or sitting beside some big lake while I was fishing in the boat.
THx for the welcome.

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