First Time CB Help


New member
I recently got a cb radio from a friend and I cant seem to pick up a signal. I think I may have an issue with grounding? But I dont really know what I'm doing so I could be wrong. Any help y'all have would be appreciated. Thanks.


Short Story - yes, a CB antenna will need a very good ground. You'll also need to get your hands on a SWR meter to tune your antenna to your radio. Google CB antenna tuning and you'll find several good articles, etc. Local CB/ham radio shop perhaps?


Tell us about the antenna. What is the antenna or what it looks like. How is it on the car?

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New member
I believe the antenna is fiberglass, I don't know very much about it since a friend gave it to me. It's attached to the roof rack with a bracket.

Kind of hard to see but it might help.
I'll try to get my hands on a SWR

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Expedition Leader
I would suggest to definitely get swr meter and tunable antenna since you are new to it. Either a tunable fire stick or a wilson/k40 style steel whip.

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Ok this is a huge help.
I am assuming the radio lights up on power up. I am assuming you can hear noise from a speaker. So couple things:

1) wriggle the coax at the radio and antenna. Do you hear a change in the static level as you do so? If yes then take the cable off and check it for continuity with a basic VOM. Center pin to center pin should show as a short (meter deflects full). The try center pin to ground which is any metal NOT the pin or the screwing outside that is connected.

I am suggesting starting here because it's a common issue, quick fix, and I have had plenty of crap jumpers that look just like that.

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I forgot to add

2) Really before #1 look for a knob that says squelch. Turn it both ways. Whichever way is loudest and noisiest leave it there fully turned.

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New member
Radio lights up and I can hear a faint static from the speaker. What is a VOM?

Also, what would be the best way to ground the antenna?

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Well right now let's confirm the antenna is the problem. You oughtta hear something as is. Not ideal but something. Best way would be drilling a hole and mounting it electrically and mechanically to car body. Then connecting body and frame. But before any of that let's male sure the parts work at all.

VOM = Volt Ohm Meter. Used doing electrical work. Ask a friend or family member. Someone will have one.

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I would suggest reading through most if not all of the tech articles that Firestik publishes on their website. Yes, there is a TON of info there, and not all of it will pertain to your situation, but it will help you to understand the principles of a good system.

There are detailed articles on antenna setup and how to check everything.


Nowadays virtually all VOMs are digital, thus now called DMMs (Digital Multi-Meter). If you look in your junk-mail and/or newspaper inserts (magazines too), you might even find a coupon good for a FREE one at Harbor Freight Tools that would work well for this.

Your antenna appears to be a Francis of some sort. If that is the 5½-foot long one, don't get rid of it for ANYTHING!! (well, unless it's determined to be defective, though that's not a likely scenario) That is one of the best (most practical) antennas you can get that isn't overly large & heavy, yet still performs well (has good range). There is also a 4½' Francis that is also decent, though the shorter length does give up a little bit of performance over the 5½' one. Do tape up the top couple inches of it with some layers of electrical tape as a preventative measure against the tip splitting if it hits anything though (especially if the little vinyl protective cap goes missing).

As for your radio problem, I agree with what's already been said, check your cable and connections. The antenna mounted on your rack should be OK, but make sure the mount is making good contact with your rack, as that is where it needs to achieve it's ground connection for it to work properly (scrape the paint off from under the mount bracket if needed).


The antenna mounted on your rack should be OK, but make sure the mount is making good contact with your rack, as that is where it needs to achieve it's ground connection for it to work properly (scrape the paint off from under the mount bracket if needed).

More than that...the rack appears to use a gutter mount, and I doubt that provides a good electrical ground to the body of the vehicle unless special consideration was made to do so.

As a test of the ground, you could use a set of jumper cables clamped to the rack (or to the antenna bracket) and then to a clean ground on the vehicle body. With the jumper in place, check the radio functionality again.

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