Bringing the kids to Overland Expo East?


So who's bringing their kids to OE East? Anyone have past experience bringing 5-9 year old kids to the expo?

I've been struggling with whether to bring my three daughters, 5, 7 & 9 to OE East.*

Obviously, if I want my family to be with me when I go overlanding, I'd better to get them interested sooner than later. My wife is interested and will be taking some of the classes, but the girls really don't know what the expo is yet.

Have this vision of them meeting other kids, making friends, and learning from other kids. Their being exposed to all kinds of cool overlanding stuff, seeing interesting presentations, etc. and going to some of the classes. Not to mention camping, which they mostly love.

Then I flash to another vision - "Can we go home now?" endlessly whined by bored kids in unison. There's few other kids, mine are miserable, and we (and everyone around us) are sorry we dragged them along.

So far we've been leaning toward leaving them with family, but Jon's latest post mentioning Grace's Junior Overlander program has me interested and I'm wondering if I might regret leaving them at home.*

Anyone with experiences to share?
My kids are older now (17 & 21) ..... I'm finally happy to leave them home. lol My only thing is if you really wanted to learn stuff .... leave them home. They will be fine for short periods. Remember their attention span will be more limited than most adults. lol Taking my dogs on my last vacation reminded me of taking small kids. They had to be watched 100% of the time so I couldn't do all I wanted to do. Not a big deal, I planned for this. Just don't get upset when after 2 hours they are ready to go "do" something and not sit and listen to adults talk. I read they do have a type of daycare there if your kids are ok with that. How are your kids away from you? Do they know they wouldn't be with mom and dad all the time? Be real open and up front with them before you go so they have no expectations of it being like a normal vacation. My kids hated the ski trips when they were in kids lessons but knew they had to do it. They enjoyed being with mom and dad more. That's my kids though.

My kids were real hands on .... not sit in a classroom and learn from others or even be comfortable with kids that were strangers. You know your kids best, but be prepared for them to be more interested in a "gameboy" or whatever after a few hours possibly (depending on what their hobbies are). When we kayak, my kids are not allowed electronics because there is plenty to do. While we drive to keep everyone happy they can play their electronic games all they want. You can find a happy medium I'm sure and if they enjoy company of other kids , I'm sure there will be some there.

You should email them and ask how "hands on" it is for the kids or if it's more of a "daycare" type setting. When my son was 5 he would have had no interest in what my 9 year old would have. See if kids are separated by age or how it's done.

Personally , if you live near the area or think you'll go again..... I'd go without them the first time to enjoy the experience yourself and then take them next year after you have checked it out yourself.
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Take them! I took my kids (ages 6, 6, 8, & 8) to the overland expo west this year. It was the first time for all of us. They had a blast. I was the only adult and had signed up for classes so my kids went to the onsite kids camp. I had only planned to let them go a couple times for the classes they absolutely couldn't attend, but they had such a good time there they didn't want to come with me to the other classes. They met other kids who are true overlanders (as in they just got in from Mexico the week before) and created true friendships with them. They are still talking about it.

Only you know your kids' personalities, but I would take them. Get them involved with the planning before hand, and talk about the trip in an exciting way. Kids ultimately feed off of their parent's mood.

Here are a few pictures from our trip

Edit: the first picture is the "swearing in ceremony" from the Jr Overlander class. As you can see, it was a big hit with all of the kiddos.
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I'll be bringing my 2 as well as my wife (leaving the dogs at home). I'm keeping my expectations low for what all we get to DO but we should be able to SEE a lot. I'm not as interested in all the classes and such as I am in wandering through the vendors and seeing all the cool rigs there. My kids love camping and they wished we did it more often. If we get to DO more then that's just a bonus.

We will be coming in Friday evening and leaving out early Sunday morning.

My son is almost 7, and my daughter will be 4 the Saturday of the expo. :birthday.sml:

Eric H

Eric H
I be attending with my wife, daughter (12) and our black lab. We have overlanded in the states and Canada for about 5 different two week trips in our LC. My daughter is interested in many of the sessions and will be attending some kids stuff and some adault sessions. I only hope we have enough time to take in the event and that the dog has enough energy to keep up! Hope to see you and the family.


Is attending and camping out at an Expedition Expo weekend considered "overlanding"?

Recalling another thread in a different area, when you throw your tent and sleeping bag in your truck and go somewhere it's car camping. If you throw your tent and sleeping bag in your Land Rover (or Jeep, or Land Cruiser, or...) it's overlanding. If you throw some sponsor stickers on the side and paint your name on the door, then you're on an expedition.

Personally, when I tell people I'm going to Overland Expo, a few smart alecs ask if I'm overlanding my way there. My response is "Well, I ain't taking a train."

Eric - We actually realized this could be the first vacation my wife and I have had kid and dog free in like 9 years. We jumped on that idea and are leaving the kids at home.


When my friend Joel and I attended the Expo West this year we really felt we missed an opportunity to bring his 12 year old Noah. After we got back and his son saw all the cool pictures and heard of our adventures he wished he had gone also! I don't recall seeing or hearing any grouchy miserable kids the whole time we were there, I did however stand in line behind a bunch of those at Disney last month!


When my friend Joel and I attended the Expo West this year we really felt we missed an opportunity to bring his 12 year old Noah. After we got back and his son saw all the cool pictures and heard of our adventures he wished he had gone also! I don't recall seeing or hearing any grouchy miserable kids the whole time we were there, I did however stand in line behind a bunch of those at Disney last month!

Funny cause the reason we're leaving so early on Sunday is to drive south TO Disney so wish me luck. It's not my preferred way to spend a week of PTO but I'm sure the kids will love it.


Thats a well rounded adventure! Awesome! Enjoy the time with your kids anyway you can! You guys will have great fun!
Funny cause the reason we're leaving so early on Sunday is to drive south TO Disney so wish me luck. It's not my preferred way to spend a week of PTO but I'm sure the kids will love it.


Expedition Leader
Recalling another thread in a different area, when you throw your tent and sleeping bag in your truck and go somewhere it's car camping. If you throw your tent and sleeping bag in your Land Rover (or Jeep, or Land Cruiser, or...) it's overlanding. If you throw some sponsor stickers on the side and paint your name on the door, then you're on an expedition.

Personally, when I tell people I'm going to Overland Expo, a few smart alecs ask if I'm overlanding my way there. My response is "Well, I ain't taking a train."

Eric - We actually realized this could be the first vacation my wife and I have had kid and dog free in like 9 years. We jumped on that idea and are leaving the kids at home.

So, my 12 miles commute, with all of the free stickers I have from products I buy is an expedition. Sweet!

OP, take the kiddos! They may wine a little, but it will be a memory.


Thats a well rounded adventure! Awesome! Enjoy the time with your kids anyway you can! You guys will have great fun!

I'm sure we will despite all the miles covered. 2 nights camping at Expo, a week at Disney, and then 2 nights on the road heading back home. Should be an adventure for sure.

Jonathan Hanson

Supporting Sponsor
We love having kids at the Expo, which is why we don't charge for them, and provide free day care to Overland Experience attendees.

There will be plenty for your children to do at the east show, I think - we'll have kid's classes, a wildlife tracking workshop, and Junior Explorer badge activities. I don't think we've ever had a parent say his kids got bored.


So how did everyone's kids do?

We fared ok. Since we rolled in around 1700 on Friday we weren't able to get back to the official camping areas and instead had to setup in the vendor parking area. It was a hike to the bathroom and since we don't carry bathroom provisions I'm considering getting a luggable-loo for situations like this in the future. Sleeping next to the road wasn't the most ideal arrangement.

The kids really enjoyed going in the different campers but I did feel rushed to jump from one shiny object to the next as I was keeping up with kids. Hind sight I would have planned to get there a bit earlier so we could have done/seen more things but maybe we'll do that next year. As a result I didn't really get to talk and hang out with folks like I would have liked but I guess that's the compromises we make.

We rolled out at 0500 Sunday morning to drive to Disney for fall break week. My apologies to anyone I woke up running my diesel and getting packed up. :smiley_drive:

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