Any suggestions for an offline navigation app?


Crew Chief
I'm wanting to upgrade my Bronco a bit with a semi-permanent navigation system. Now, I could have just gone with using my phone, like I usually do, but it eats up my data plan using the navigation on it since its constantly connecting online and updating the maps as I go along. I could have gone with a dedicated GPS navigation device and I've looked at the Magelons and TomToms and such, but the screens were all too small for me. And I'd like to get a little more work out of a device and if possible, multipurpose it. So I decided to go with a Surface 2 tablet. (I've had nothing but bad experience with Mac products so lets not turn down that road.) The main reason I'm going with a tablet is to be able to download maps to the tablet and not have it constantly online, eating up data as I'm going along. Plus the screen is big enough for me to have no problems reading it. I've already got a GPS receiver and a car charger for the Surface 2 on the way.

The problem I'm having is finding a compatible navigation software that would work with the Surface 2, which uses Windows 8.1.

The hardware: Surface 2 laptop with 32 Gb of storage. I've also added a Micro SD card with an additional 16 Gb. I was hoping to load the maps to the card. I'm using a HOLUX GR-213U GPS receiver to be mounted on top of the cab.

The idea is to set up the tablet so that I can plug in the receiver and charger when I need the Navigation, but be able to remove the tablet when I need it elsewhere.

Anyways, I just can't seem to find any software or apps that would work for what I'm wanting. Any suggestions at all at this point would be appreciated.


Crew Chief
I actually have that on the tablet right now. The problem I'm having with it is that in order to download a map, I have to do it manually. Its little more than copy/paste on whatever area I have on the screen. I'd like to be able to download an entire roadmap of the US which is why I'm not to keen on using MapsPro. Its great for trip planning, but if you end up in an area not on the map images you've downloaded, you're out of luck. Also, when you do download maps, it only downloads the images at that zoom level. In other words, if you wanted to zoon in on a map you've downloaded, it won't increase in definition. It pixilates and becomes useless for road navigation. It also doesn't update directions if you get off course for whatever reason. If you end up having to take a detour, you can't follow the old directions and will need to update them by connecting to the internet and download a new set of directions.

Don't get me wrong, I like Maps Pro for trail planning and camping, but for actually getting to the trail, its not really good for that.

I guess a better way of saying what I want is I want a navigation app or program that will function exactly like a GPS navigation device, but loaded onto my tablet so I can navigate offline.

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