Earthcruiser vs ATW


New member
From what I see they look very similar... But there must be fundamental differences. In other way, why would you chose one from the two rigs?



Crazy Person
That question is virtually impossible to answer, as we all have different requirements and expectations for a vehicle.
If you are interested in this type of expedition vehicle, you need to weigh up the differences of each and make your own decision as to which is best for YOU.


That question is virtually impossible to answer, as we all have different requirements and expectations for a vehicle.
If you are interested in this type of expedition vehicle, you need to weigh up the differences of each and make your own decision as to which is best for YOU.

Agree. However, a side by side comparison is possible from a specifications point of view and would be of interest to the community.


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
From what I see they look very similar... But there must be fundamental differences. In other way, why would you chose one from the two rigs?


That's a bit like asking how would you choose a Ford over a Chevy pickup, etc. They are much more similar than they are different, and each has their strengths and weaknesses - IMHO. But it is very subjective and what I like you may hate. :)


New member
That's a bit like asking how would you choose a Ford over a Chevy pickup, etc. They are much more similar than they are different, and each has their strengths and weaknesses - IMHO. But it is very subjective and what I like you may hate. :)

That's exactly what I would like to hear: their strenghts and weaknesses since it is not so obvious from the respective websites. Or as Sagestone write a side by side comparasion with emphasis of their strong points.


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
That's exactly what I would like to hear: their strenghts and weaknesses since it is not so obvious from the respective websites. Or as Sagestone write a side by side comparasion with emphasis of their strong points.

Well good luck with it!


That question is virtually impossible to answer, as we all have different requirements and expectations for a vehicle.
If you are interested in this type of expedition vehicle, you need to weigh up the differences of each and make your own decision as to which is best for YOU.

That's a bit like asking how would you choose a Ford over a Chevy pickup, etc. They are much more similar than they are different, and each has their strengths and weaknesses - IMHO. But it is very subjective and what I like you may hate. :)

Although (far too) many on this forum seem to think that their opinions are facts, many still understand that ones opinion is just that.

I think that some experienced opinions would be great about some of the pros and cons one might find, realizing that one persons pro is another persons con.



Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Although (far too) many on this forum seem to think that their opinions are facts, many still understand that ones opinion is just that.

I think that some experienced opinions would be great about some of the pros and cons one might find, realizing that one persons pro is another persons con.


Well I think you should build your own. :D


Expedition Leader
A full specifications comparison is difficult because the two companies don't publish (on the web at least) the exact specs for all functions. Nor are all options specified. Both are semi-custom, meaning the vehicle can be outfitted with non-standard equipment to meet your requirements. Either vehicle can be built with as much luxury and off-road capability as your wallet can stand.

Since the OP lives in Québec, I think a reasonable question is whether you want a popup camper, or a hardside camper. Using a popup in snow, rain and cold can be challenging.

If you're prepared to spend more than $200,000 for an RV, then you might also want to look at Global Expedition Vehicles and Earthroamer. Both companies offer a wider range of chassis choices.


A full specifications comparison is difficult because the two companies don't publish (on the web at least) the exact specs for all functions. Nor are all options specified. Both are semi-custom, meaning the vehicle can be outfitted with non-standard equipment to meet your requirements. Either vehicle can be built with as much luxury and off-road capability as your wallet can stand.

Since the OP lives in Québec, I think a reasonable question is whether you want a popup camper, or a hardside camper. Using a popup in snow, rain and cold can be challenging.

If you're prepared to spend more than $200,000 for an RV, then you might also want to look at Global Expedition Vehicles and Earthroamer. Both companies offer a wider range of chassis choices.

Well said, I have tried for hours to compare the two companies spec sheets and there really is no current 'standard vehicle' offering from either to compare at this time. There are, however, certain stand-alone features that one could point to like the toilet (EC = cassette only vs. ATW U.S. Cassette plus other options (macerator type) that may or may not make personal decisions possible. I have found features on each offering that set them apart enough that the decision is still a personal one that may be best served by traveling to the U.S. west coast to look, select options, price them out respectively and then decide.


I will likely never be in the market for a $250000 vehicle, but if I was, I wouldn't not care one iota what was on the Web. I would fly out and get on my hands and knees and crawl around each one, drive them, open every door and cubby and inspect the craftsmanship of each.
Then I would part with my $$.
IMHO if you can't afford the time and $$ to do that, then you aren't really serious about buying one.

Input from here on what options to get would be a big help.

Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2


I expect close to 0 people have owned both to give you a comparison. Maybe 1 or 2 have driven both for long enough to give you a comparison, maybe. A few folks have seen and walked through both at the shows.
It is not like Ford or Chevy as someone else said. There you are getting cars, made by the hundreds of thousands, from companies who have been making cars for generations. These are low low production units made by relatively new companies.
So here is a really quick list off the top of my head of some specific questions that would be good for someone here to answer or opine on.
1) The process of producing a vehicle like this is evolutionary. There is not a single builder who will say that their first build was better than their fifth. So how many of these vehicles, like what you will be buying, have each produced?
2) How much does the company know about the truck they are selling vs the box they are building. I had an experience with a known high end builder who did not even know how to check the oil on the truck because this particular truck was not one they typically use.
3) Interior layout philosophy. Where do they put emphasis on space. Where do they do 'double duty' on space. There is no right or wrong, just different philosophy. For example, does one dedicate room for bathroom and shower, or does one double up on that space with an entry? I have found that design philosophy carries through a vehicle, so if you are inline with their philosophy and judgment in one area it will likely carry over to other areas.
a) One has a higher bed than the other I believe. This makes it possible for one to sleep with the top down if you want, the other I don't think allows this, but by having the bed high, they use that 'airspace' and replace it with storage below. I personally like the storage, YMMV.
b) Was any consideration given to sitting in the cabin with the top down? Based on how you are built this may not matter. For me not being able to sit straight with the top down is a deal breaker.
c) Quality of interior construction. You could ask questions of the manufacturer, but a site visit is better. Seeing one after longer term use is best. For the two you have mentioned, ATW is owned by Sportsmobile so they have a history there if you can't find some well used Alphas to look at. Possibly there are some well used EC's in the US to get a glimpse at how they are holding up.
d) Type of bed provided. It amazes me that even the most budget of budget motels will provide you with a queen bed with decent mattresses because they know that nobody would stay there otherwise. Yet for 1/4 million you get a double bed with a foam pad... just sayin'
4) Tent sides or hard sides. Up to you which you like better, I think at least the two you mention have tent sides. For me, I have yet to have someone give me a good enough reason why I would chose a tent side over a hard side. But they do defend them! Although I must say tent sides are much less complicated to design and build and likely lighter.
5) Cubic feet of internal and external storage.


"4) Tent sides or hard sides. Up to you which you like better, I think at least the two you mention have tent sides. For me, I have yet to have someone give me a good enough reason why I would chose a tent side over a hard side. But they do defend them! Although I must say tent sides are much less complicated to design and build and likely lighter."

ATW does have a hard sided version (sides are removable and roof collapsible for container transport) and Earthcruiser recently posted pics of a similar hard sided version. Not sure if the EC has removable sides for transport.

Similar to high end boats, in my opinion, the best way to really see some of these and compare is to go to the shows and go to the manufacture and inspect and hopefully drive a demo unit. I am just hoping lots and lots of Americans buy them so I can eventually buy a used one... Personally I would take either one and try and get one with hard sides.


ATW does have a hard sided version (sides are removable and roof collapsible for container transport) and Earthcruiser recently posted pics of a similar hard sided version. Not sure if the EC has removable sides for transport.
I was referring to a raising hard side. I am not sure about ATW but I thought the EC one you refer to is a one piece box unit.

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