Flippac torsion bar


My torsion bar broke on my 7 month old Flippac. 5 Star RV where I bought it from said they would instal the new one free but I don't really want them touching it since they didn't instal the Flippac well to begin with. Has anyone here actually installed a torsion bar on a Flippac?I think I have the equipment to do it but really would like to know what I am getting into. Thanks.


7 months old? Ugh-bummer!

I haven't installed one, but have read up a bit about the process as my FP I bought used & it's older.

I'm currently getting prepared to simply remove it, using a "torsion bar delete mod". I will then not have the torsion bar, which removes a bunch if stress from the entire system. Makes the top a bit more difficult to lift, but in the end will be worth it to me.

One of the best replacement how to's begins around page #8/9 of BellaSD's build thread. Same circumstance as yours, where the bar is broken. Good reading, very informative. Also has links to FRP's PDF instructions.


I removed the broken remains of my T-bar, which was broken when I got the Flip-Pac. It wasn't easy (required a lot of pounding and finally a combination of heat, solvent and puller to extract) but it was straightforward. I don't know how many years it had been rusted in place. I have just finished a torsion bar delete and would recommend it, with a few caveats. See my recent post in Camelfilter's thread on this forum. As part of the job I flipped the lid up 90 degrees as one would do to install a new T-bar, and again, it wasn't easy but was straightforward. BellaSD's thread was invaluable, though in my case it was my son who pulled from the 2nd story window, not my wife. Don't underestimate the weight of the lid ...



Thanks! It looks like it should be pretty straightforward. Mine is new enough there shouldn't be any corrosion issues. If they weren't replacing it for free I would definitely consider deleting the torsion bar. I think she said they are $580! I am optimistic the new one will hold up. My last Flippac was used and had zero issues.


Just curious. Did 5 star RV have this unit sitting on the lot? What's the mfr date? That seems very premature for a failure, and I am wondering if it was an older unit that sat around.
I would offer to assist them in the replacement. You probably know more about the flippac from reading up on it on here than the guy assigned to fix it. Print out or take the threads from here with you. It will go easier, and you will get to see the process for yourself. If you go this route, take lots of photos.

Good luck


It better be new since it took 6 months to get. I ordered it in July and they installed it in December. They installed the mounts on the fenders wrong and got a lot of grease on the inside during the instal. I will take pictures when I get the t-bar. They are 5-6 weeks out.

I will check the manufacture date tonight.
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Pretty easy to do. Trickiest part is finding a place to stand the top up perpendicular and hold it there while you slide the new one in.


We have a gantry crane at work that will be perfect to support it. I just have to patiently wait for the parts to be in stock.


Crane would prove super handy for the install I'd imagine. You likely wouldn't even need helpers if rigged up well.

?... I just have to patiently wait for the parts to be in stock.

I've read that communication with FRP can be "interesting". Maybe someone else has spares? I'm thinking AT perhaps, but don't know how that'd work with warranty & such anyways.


I have come to believe the only way to deal with anything regarding flippac is lots of patience. I will definitely get some photos when I do the instal.
I thought about calling AT and some of the other dealers if they weren't going to do a warranty. I can wait if it free. Just means we are backpacking the next few weeks!


So 6-8 weeks is pushing 13 and still no productive word on the parts. Every time I call they say they are picking them up tomorrow or the next day and to call back Friday. I have heard those words many times now. I really wish there was a good alternative to Flippac. Company's that never seem to never have a straight answer really bother me. First world problems are so frustrating!

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Dave Bennett

Makes me want to order a spare well in advance of ever needing one. Hell, think of the price gouging you could get away with if you had a pallet of these... LOL

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