The perfect navigation app/software features


Crew Chief
I'm not asking about a specific app that you use. I'm asking about what you think makes, or would make, the perfect navigation app. What do you like about the app that you use or what do you think should be added to make it perfect?

The reason I'm asking is to generate support for making the perfect "expedition navigation" app. This mostly started with trying to find a navigation app for my Surface 2 tablet, but after weeks of not finding ANYTHING, I've started to go around to the various programmers and manufacturers of navigation software/hardware and asking them to produce something that would work. And since I think its always best to do something right the first time, I also want a list of "must have" features that would form the core of the app.

Here is what I've come up with so far.
1. Must have downloadable off-line maps. While being able to get maps online is good, not everywhere we would want to go has a wi-fi or even a cell signal, so being able to have a map ready to go would be the ideal.

2. Turn-by-turn road navigation. Lets face it, we always have to go through some complicated road network at some point in our travels. It would be nice to be able to know which exit to get off of without having to constantly search a map, taking our eyes off the road for dangerous seconds to find our location.

3. True GPS location. Most navigational apps don't use actual GPS, but instead rely on wi-fi and cell tower triangulation. While this works well in cities, its not so good in the boondocks. Even when they do work, they can be off by as much as a mile sometimes.

4. Trail tracking. Being able to get off the beaten path and make your own trail is always fun for those who go off road. Being able to see the path you've taken would certainly help with knowing how to get back out again.

There could also be secondary applications or functions for when the app can go "online" and do a search, but I'm focusing on the off-line application for now.

What other "bare bones" features would a GPS need to have to make it perfect?


You want "bare bones" or "pie in the sky" features?

I liked how the old Garmins would allow you to plot an epic road trip on your computer and then execute it on the GPS - useful for planning nuts like most overlanders tend to be.
The ability to send an address to the GPS for navigation from a smartphone or tablet would be crucial.


Crew Chief
I'm asking for both actually. What you'd need for bare bones offline navigation and any useful online features that would be considered extra.


That's the problem with a Surface 2 tablet...not much available for it. If it were a Surface 2 Pro, you could run Topo North America on it and have all the features you listed.
One feature that would be nice to have would be to also be able to display satellite image overlay. I think you can also do that with Topo NA, but it is subscription service and I have not tried it.
Another useful feature would be to display APRS data and track each station.



First and foremost/above all else/and other clichés

Make it simple to use. Advanced features are great, but let's face it nobody reads the book anymore. Heck, most things don't even come with a book these days, you're just supposed to pick it up and figure it out. That works pretty good if you already have a solid foundation in the use of similar products; say you're an iPhone 4 user and you get an iPhone 5 - there will be new things you can do but you won't need a manual to figure it out. Now suppose you've NEVER had an iPhone and you go pick up the latest one and just dive in cold. It's going to be a painful slog trying to figure out how to use it or even what features it has.

Additionally, when you're on the road you either need a co-pilot to run the thing for you or you need ... wait for it ... easy to use features you can operate without taking your eyes off the road. You don't want to dig through 3 menus trying to get some feature up on the screen when you're doing 75 mph down the highway or bouncing down a trail. mer

So to summarize: my first priority would be Ease Of Use.


Crew Chief
:Some years ago"? Its only been up for one year.

I actually did find an app that does all that and more. MapsPro. There are still bugs being worked out, but only because the designer keeps improving and adding features.
Here is what I eventually went with.

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Yeah, there are quite a few apps today that cover all this and more.
When I'm in cell coverage, I'll use Google navigate with voice command. Once it's plotted the course, it no longer requires cell reception.
When I'm off road, I've started using/learning BCN.

What I'd like to do is use the stylus to draw a track on the map, add way points, and have the app calculate distance and time between way points, along with total distance/time based on mode of travel. That would be very difficult for vehicular travel due to trail obstacles.

The other thing I'd like a GPS app to do is when I download a map of an area, it does an intelligent web search, and recommends trails based on mode of travel. Add a reports result function with the hyperlinks to that info. Sort of like road GPS offering alternative routes, but smarter.
So basically we would just click on a suggested trail, and it would take us to the web address with the info (i.e.

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