iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

Why would anyone consider Apple, who has started storing personal data on servers in China?

I am not sure what difference that makes. China is not going anywhere, as long as you are clicking "I agree" To any and all user agreements or swipe at a store/take out a mortgage/exist on the grid, you are going to be vulnerable.

145 million e bay users, 33 million adobe users, Micheals 3.3 million accounts...all hacked
Home Depot

All hacked. User information, customer information in the open.

The list goes on. To assume that your information is less safe on a Chinese server is dated and ironic considering that our very own government compiles, collates and analyzes every facet of your digital existence.

Not trying to pick on your mpinco, I just find these types of comments amusing in todays world considering every facet of security is in decline.

Sorry for going off topic:

I speculate there will be a better interpolation of data on your macbbok/ipad and phone. Larger screen of course, and probably some sort of enhanced camera or maybe even a holographic type display like the amazon phone.


Expedition Leader
I am not sure what difference that makes. China is not going anywhere, as long as you are clicking "I agree" To any and all user agreements or swipe at a store/take out a mortgage/exist on the grid, you are going to be vulnerable.


All hacked. User information, customer information in the open.

The list goes on. To assume that your information is less safe on a Chinese server is dated and ironic considering that our very own government compiles, collates and analyzes every facet of your digital existence.

Not trying to pick on your mpinco, I just find these types of comments amusing in todays world considering every facet of security is in decline.


Agreed although having my personal data on a physical server owned by the Chinese government is not my idea of security. Apple has clearly demonstrated they don't care. Google doesn't either. Why would you trust either with your "wallet"?

Failing to see the value of iPhone6 other than bling.

The only platform taking security seriously is BB with QNX.


Tail-End Charlie
Not trying to pick on your mpinco, I just find these types of comments amusing in todays world considering every facet of security is in decline.

Now here's what I find amusing...

People who figure that security isn't important, just because the world is insecure. Or they figure that privacy isn't important, just because no one has any privacy.

That's putting the cart before the horse.

Privacy IS important. Security IS important. If the systems owned by the lords and masters of the world DON'T respect or bother with either, then those systems are broken and need to be fixed, and those lords and masters are (to quote Douglas Adams): "A bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes."

But to say that "it's okay - everyone does it" is SO LAME, it makes me roll my eyes and mime gagging myself with a spoon. I mean really, I thought everyone learned back in grade school that the reasoning behind THAT excuse doesn't pass muster.

But to come back on topic...

Screw Apple. Die Apple Die. I won't give them one dime of my money as long as they support slavery.

Foxconn is infamous for running internment camps. They use students coerced into working for free (that's slavery) and they call it "internship". They were all over the news a couple years back because their "interns" were committing suicide to escape, since there was no other way out - fences and private security goons prevented them from even leaving the site.


"It's not the first time that the company has been in trouble for its labour practices. Last year children as young as 14 were found at the same factory in Yantai, and in 2010 worker suicides brought attention to the contractor's harsh labour conditions."

"Foxconn has more than a million employees in China and receives around 90 per cent of its revenue from the sale of electronics. Major clients include Apple, Sony, Google and Dell."

And before anyone blames the Chinese, take a look at the major stockholders in Foxconn:


And Apple:


Same guys.

If you think management at Apple (and Steve Bloody Jobs) didn't, and doesn't, KNOW about the slavery - think again. There is no way they don't know. Just like there is no way that Walmart didn't know about the slavery and unsafe conditions at that garment industry sweatshop in Bangladesh that collapsed and killed 1100 people. (ELEVEN HUNDRED - more than 1/3 as many as at the WTC on 9/11.)

Die Apple Die. Die Walmart Die.

I'll vote with my dollars. I vote nay.
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Expedition Leader
Now here's what I find amusing...

People who figure that security isn't important, just because the world is insecure. Or they figure that privacy isn't important, just because no one has any privacy.

That's putting the cart before the horse.

Privacy IS important. Security IS important. If the systems owned by the lords and masters of the world DON'T respect or bother with either, then those systems are broken and need to be fixed, and those lords and masters are (to quote Douglas Adams): "A bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes."

But to say that "it's okay - everyone does it" is SO LAME, it makes me roll my eyes and mime gagging myself with a spoon. I mean really, I thought everyone learned back in grade school that the reasoning behind THAT excuse doesn't pass muster.

But to come back on topic...

Screw Apple. Die Apple Die. I won't give them one dime of my money as long as they support slavery.

Foxconn is infamous for running internment camps. They use students coerced into working for free (that's slavery) and they call it "internship". They were all over the news a couple years back because their "interns" were committing suicide to escape, since there was no other way out - fences and private security goons prevented them from even leaving the site.


"It’s not the first time that the company has been in trouble for its labour practices. Last year children as young as 14 were found at the same factory in Yantai, and in 2010 worker suicides brought attention to the contractor’s harsh labour conditions."

"Foxconn has more than a million employees in China and receives around 90 per cent of its revenue from the sale of electronics. Major clients include Apple, Sony, Google and Dell."

And before anyone blames the Chinese, take a look at the major stockholders in Foxconn:


And Apple:


Same guys.

If you think management at Apple (and Steve Bloody Jobs) didn't, and doesn't, KNOW about the slavery - think again. There is no way they don't know. Just like there is no way that Walmart didn't know about the slavery and unsafe conditions at that garment industry sweatshop in Bangladesh that collapsed and killed 1100 people. (ELEVEN HUNDRED - more than 1/3 as many as at the WTC on 9/11.)

Die Apple Die. Die Walmart Die.

I'll vote with my dollars. I vote nay.

where are ALL electronics made at? Your computer you're typing on or your phone you use was more than likely made in china as well. Apple is dining more products back to the US to be made. iCloud is not ran in China. Apple is making an iCloud storage center in reno. http://appleinsider.com/articles/13...d-facility-in-reno-already-ready-to-go-online and http://appleinsider.com/articles/12..._apples_supply_chain_increasing_us_production


Tail-End Charlie
Not sure why people hate successful companies.

Maybe you're unsure because I don't fit your per-concieved (and pre-judged) notions. You see, I don't hate them because they are successful. I hate them because they are VENAL. (Look it up.)

If some company were to be successful without cheating, slaving, tax avoiding and taxpayer subsidies, then I would have no reason to point out their corruption and venality (and would have nothing to point out to begin with).

You don't think Apple is corrupt and venal? Everyone knows they are:


Saying that I hate them because they are successful is wrong. It's a deliberate mis-characterization. In other words - a lie. A lie designed to deflect the issue away from being WHAT I said, into being about WHY I said it.


Tail-End Charlie
where are ALL electronics made at? Your computer you're typing on or your phone you use was more than likely made in china as well.

There's that grade-school logic again - "it's okay because everyone does it".

Sorry, but I don't accept that excuse (neither did my second grade teacher when I tried it on her).


Expedition Leader
Maybe you're unsure because I don't fit your per-concieved (and pre-judged) notions. You see, I don't hate them because they are successful. I hate them because they are VENAL. (Look it up.)

If some company were to be successful without cheating, slaving, tax avoiding and taxpayer subsidies, then I would have no reason to point out their corruption and venality (and would have nothing to point out to begin with).

You don't think Apple is corrupt and venal? Everyone knows they are:


Saying that I hate them because they are successful is wrong. It's a deliberate mis-characterization. In other words - a lie. A lie designed to deflect the issue away from being WHAT I said, into being about WHY I said it.

maybe you should research a little


Expedition Leader
There's that grade-school logic again - "it's okay because everyone does it".

Sorry, but I don't accept that excuse (neither did my second grade teacher when I tried it on her).

my point is you tool,
you support companies that do it so you're just a hypocrite.


Tail-End Charlie
my point is you tool,
you support companies that do it so you're just a hypocrite.

Nah, I don't.
You're lying about me again.
And now you're also name-calling.

I'm typing this on an HP Mini 311-1037NR netbook.
Bought used.

My other main machine is an Acer ZA3 netbook.
Bought used.

But even if I did buy them new, that doesn't mean I support them. I just means I don't have a choice.(*)
Which is a hell of a lot different then running about evangelizing over how great they are.

(*)[The theory is that an unregulated free-market economy is the best, because competition creates a situation of better products for lower prices. But that doesn't apply when the market is completely captured and there is no choice. In that situation, it's not capitalism, it's monopolism. That's what we've got today. And just because everyone does it, doesn't make it right. And even if I'm forced to participate, that doesn't mean I have to like it. And it sure as hell doesn't mean that I APPROVE of it. I hate baby crap. Changing diapers (which I've done more than my share of) doesn't automatically make me a baby crap hypocrite.]

And I don't shop at Walmart.
Been in there a total of maybe 3 times, and the last time was well over a decade ago.

Remember when Sam Walton went to court to try and get Walmart exempted from the minimum wage?
Who was part of his legal team on that deal?
Hillary Clinton.
Later she was on the Walmart Board of Directors.
Think I'll ever vote to put her butt in the Oval Office?
Not a chance.
I'll vote against Apple and Walmart with my dollars.
I'll vote against crooks like Hillary Clinton at the polling place.

And when I see someone singing the praises of these scumbags, I might just choose to speak out against them.


Okay, I'm done.


Sorry I crapped all over your "I love Apple" thread. But if someone gets to speak out in favor, I feel someone else should be able to speak out against.

But, you're the mod - say the word and I'll knock it off.


Expedition Leader
Hmmmmm ........... let's not turn this into a anti-corporate America discussion. I have both Apple (iPad Air) and Google (Galaxy S4) products. Each serves it purpose (well the iPad Air is a POS, browser crashes and can't open large PDF's).

On one side we have Apple fanbois who will move to the iPhone6 irregardless of Apple security issues. They want the bling. Google code is a mess, a hackers heaven. But Google is eating Apples lunch. On the other side we have the bash corporate America crowd who can't see through the political positions.

In addition in both cases YOU are the product as they sell your data. At its core, they have no other real product other than you.

Oh, and Steve Jobs was an *******. Everyone knew it. Was he different? Mostly not.

Apple and Google biggest challenge is that as consumers become aware they only use 10-12 apps, the perceived value of the smartphone declines to 0.


Tail-End Charlie


Are you freakin' KIDDING me?

You link to articles that say, 'Yes, Apple runs sweatshops - but the other sweatshops are worse"!

In other words - Apple IS EVIL, but they are the LESSER EVIL.

And what? That's supposed to be a good thing?

(Yea, haven I know I said I was done, but after I read those links...I mean c'mon...had to say SOMETHING. Now I'm really done. For real. No really, I mean it. Sorry again.)


Expedition Leader
Nah, I don't.
You're lying about me again.
And now you're also name-calling.

I'm typing this on an HP Mini 311-1037NR netbook.
Bought used.

My other main machine is an Acer ZA3 netbook.
Bought used.

But even if I did buy them new, that doesn't mean I support them. I just means I don't have a choice.(*)
Which is a hell of a lot different then running about evangelizing over how great they are.

(*)[The theory is that an unregulated free-market economy is the best, because competition creates a situation of better products for lower prices. But that doesn't apply when the market is completely captured and there is no choice. In that situation, it's not capitalism, it's monopolism. That's what we've got today. And just because everyone does it, doesn't make it right. And even if I'm forced to participate, that doesn't mean I have to like it. And it sure as hell doesn't mean that I APPROVE of it. I hate baby crap. Changing diapers (which I've done more than my share of) doesn't automatically make me a baby crap hypocrite.]

And I don't shop at Walmart.
Been in there a total of maybe 3 times, and the last time was well over a decade ago.

Remember when Sam Walton went to court to try and get Walmart exempted from the minimum wage?
Who was part of his legal team on that deal?
Hillary Clinton.
Later she was on the Walmart Board of Directors.
Think I'll ever vote to put her butt in the Oval Office?
Not a chance.
I'll vote against Apple and Walmart with my dollars.
I'll vote against crooks like Hillary Clinton at the polling place.

And when I see someone singing the praises of these scumbags, I might just choose to speak out against them.


Okay, I'm done.


Sorry I crapped all over your "I love Apple" thread. But if someone gets to speak out in favor, I feel someone else should be able to speak out against.

But, you're the mod - say the word and I'll knock it off.

just like how you tried talking down to me with your liberal "intellect" huh?
Dont forget, you're the one who came in here with guns blazing spewing typical liberal anger and hatred.
So because you may not have the option when buying new, its ok for you to support a sweatshop? That doesnt make sense. Dont forget, that walmarts average beginning salary is 12.83 an hour ;-)
good be done and go away.
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