iPhone 6 and 6 Plus


Expedition Leader
The embargo on iPhone 6 reviews has been lifted, and your favorite tech blog is sure to have some reaction. The only lukewarm review I've seen so far is on the NYTimes web site. The reviewer says the iPhone 6 is a little too small (for a big phone) and the iPhone 6 Plus is a little too large. Apple tapered the edges of the new phones to help disguise their width. This reviewer thinks this is makes it easier for the phones to slip out of your hand.


Update: In Australia, one of the first folks to buy the new iPhone 6 came out of the store and, with news cameras rolling, proceeded to drop the phone onto the sidewalk. The phone survived.


So, I'll be buying one of these before years end. My 8gb iPhone 4 is struggling with iOS7 and I would like to have room for more than 4 apps. I'm torn between the 6 because it's regular sized and quite a bit bigger than what I'm used to OR the 6+ because then I end up with a tiny iPad that I am more likely to use for GPS in the van, but the 6+ is frickin gigantic and probably won't fit in my pocket very comfortably. I have a work phone that I use for most of my actual calls so holding a book sized phone to my face isn't much of a concern. Thoughts?


Expedition Leader
Please be on notice that disparaging names like "crapple" and "isheep" won't be tolerated here, for the same reason that we don't allow wholesale disparagement of vehicle brands. If you don't like a computer or cell phone product, say why. And don't slam the people who hold a different opinion. Thanks.


Yes well my 5 with its 3 hour battery life may get replaced even though I'm not really interested in a larger phone. Maybe I'll wait for the phone app for my iPad mini that would be money!


Expedition Leader
Apple released updated sales figures. In the first three days, people ordered 10 million iPhone 6 and 6 Plus models. I guess there really was pent-up demand for an iPhone with larger screen. And that was without sales in China, which will start in the next couple of weeks.

In comparison, the Samsung Galaxy S5 sold 11 million phones in its first month of availability, back in April 2014. That was an increase of 1 million over the first month of Galaxy S4 sales. Not too shabby!

Industry observers are speculating about the way that the new iPhones will affect Android sales. My guess is that sales for phones with Android will continue to be as strong as ever. I'm looking forward to the next generation Android release (to be named Android 4.5? 5.0? "L"? lollypop? lemonade?) It's expected in October, along with a new Nexus tablet. The new OS is supposed to be faster, look better (redesigned UI), and be more power efficient.


Expedition Leader
Rank . . OS Platform . . . . Units . . . Market share

1 . . . . . Android . . . . . . . . 1,336 M . . . 72 %

2 . . . . . iOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 M . . . 19 %

5 . . . . . Windows Phone . . . . 53 M . . . 3 %

4 . . . . . Blackberry . . . . . . . . 44 M . . . 2 %

3 . . . . . Symbian . . . . . . . . . . 41 M . . . 2 %

Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 M . . . 1 %

TOTAL Installed Base . . 1,833 M smartphones in use at end of Q2, 2014
Source: TomiAhonen Consulting Analysis 15 August 2014, based on manufacturer and industry data
I'm looking forward to the next generation Android release (to be named Android 4.5? 5.0? "L"? lollypop? lemonade?) It's expected in October, along with a new Nexus tablet. The new OS is supposed to be faster, look better (redesigned UI), and be more power efficient.

unofficially ive heard lemon meringue pie is the moniker. and if you are running kit kat you can get a taste of the upcoming speed by switching your run time environment from dalvik to ART. the RTE for "L" was put in beta in the 4.4.4 and is awesome. everything is compiled on install so installs take a little longer and use a little more space but they launch alot faster. that not having to compile each app every launch saves processor time and in effect saves battery.


I thought the 6+ might make a nice travel device, since at 128GB I could load photos to it from my camera. But alas, Apple's SD card adapter doesn't work with it. Seems like a rather arbitrary exclusion, but I'm feeling they could give a rat's about photographers.


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