DMSKI's 2006 Xterra


DMSKI, when will you be headed to the Rally on Thursday? It'd be cool to park near someone I actually know a bit while I'm there.

Hey man I'm still working out logistics, but it looks like I'll only be there on Saturday. I'm down to park near ya that day but unfortunately for camping I won't be staying at the designated campsites.


Well darn. See you there anyway!

Yeah wish I could be there Thursday. Be sure to talk with jhberria was going so link up with him and I have met a few of the guys from the NWOL group and they are a good bunch so be sure to find them at some point. Ill try and find you guys though on Saturday and meet you all in person!


I'll be there Friday, Wreck. I'm down to link up, but doubt we'll get spots adjacent to one anther unless we arrive in immediate succession. Plus once the organizers get a sense of my social awkwardness and propensity for low-brow humor, they'll probably relegate me to the tree line.


I'll be there Friday, Wreck. I'm down to link up, but doubt we'll get spots adjacent to one anther unless we arrive in immediate succession. Plus once the organizers get a sense of my social awkwardness and propensity for low-brow humor, they'll probably relegate me to the tree line.

Haha well I'll vouch for you.


Ill be around with my 2008 Xterra too...

Looking forward to meeting you as well!

Last night projects didn't seem to be lining up but finally was able to get a few things ready for the trip. This stuff has a propensity to be a lot more involved two days before you want to use the truck... oh well. Diff breather in, roof basket rigged up top, and hopefully tonight I'll be able to finish my trans temp gauge which should have been done a while ago. Those temps in Plain, WA... supposedly 100+ ?! I thought this was Washington not Arizona!


Good lord... I couldn't believe how many built rigs were heading out of Seattle on 145th yesterday night. I must have seen at least 3 or 4 on my drive back from work!

Hey man, I'll be on a trail run until noon, so if you're there by then keep an eye on the entrance for my truck. Stop by and say hi if I don't find you first.


Haha dude I literally just drove by you. You were headed west towards Stevens Pass at the intersection with 287. I was headed back to Plain.


Haha dude I literally just drove by you. You were headed west towards Stevens Pass at the intersection with 287. I was headed back to Plain.

That was you?! Dang man wish I had stuck around! We had woken up late and missed the morning trail run. Decided to hang out and check some stuff out but called it quits early to go and hang out at the river and then drive back over the pass to find another camping spot for the day.


Summer has been busy, hence the lack of presence. Many updates!

First of all, the lift came in!

This is stock height:

34.5" from floor to bumper up front and 35.5" out back:

Out with the old!

In with the new!

Front is now 36.5"

Back was significantly more work and without the help of my brother it would have really sucked.

37" and a hair out back:

Looking good now

Added a rear diff breather. P/N for reference (which fit the c200k axle just fine, but it is hard to thread in):

Scored with the yakima basketcase roof rack from craigslist. Made ghetto crossbars out of unistrut and exhaust clamps. Worked out well actually.

And finally installed my trans temp gauge since I'm paranoid about this transmission issue. I'm pleased to announce that after having it installed for a month or so I only get hot when pulling passes, but traffic is never an issue. During the trip over to plain I saw it hit 210 once going over the pass at 100 degrees, and it hit 215 a few weekends later when I was pulling a trailer over the same pass in 90 degree weather.



The following weekend we went out to Highway 2 to see what we could find. Some beautiful areas and I honestly can't exactly tell where we were and what roads we had found... I should have marked these on the map.




Sliders installed, before insane fab got a bad reputation:
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