new guy but interested


I have been reading many of the posts about which hardware/software is the best etc etc. Here is what I am looking for: A few on here have been gracious enough to share their experiences and routes with google earth or something like it in a link format. I would like to take that information and use it to repeat the journey with my family. It helps for a guy just starting out to have a proven path and to take his family along, creating a positive first few experiences. I am interested in doing the hill country path and some in the Oklahoma area. So I'm looking for a combination that will allow me to capture those google links/info and put them into a tablet/computer with GPS capability and strike out without reinventing the wheel so to speak. Now before you think I am a complete idiot I have had experience with a map and compass and can naviagate just fine like that. The gadgets just allow me to relax and enjoy the trip more without concentrating on reading terrian and maintaining my position. This is supposed to be fun and low stress, so that's what I'm looking to create. Can you guide me?


New member
This probably isn't all that helpful, but I know that the Michigan DNR has downloadable KML (Google Earth) files on their site for all off-road routes and trails. Perhaps the states you're looking to explore have the same? In order to utilize those, you simply download them to your tablet and open in the Google Earth app, provided the tablet has GPS of course. I just use my smartphone.

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