My OBS build inspired by Portal members.


Im starting a build here and wanted to give a little backstory. I am in my early 30s and wanted to get outside more I've been busy chasing the dollar and wanted to get back to my roots and nature. I grew up in the outdoors of Michigan and lost my way in my early 20s and got away from the things I love to pursue other things. Well I'm back now and I began looking for vehicle ideas online about 2 months ago and was thinking I wanted to build a 80 series or a WJ or something along those lines. I own 3 OBS diesel trucks and Subarus and wanted a SUV to be self contained and more capable out of the box. Something me and my dog can go on trips with around Michigan and the states around here. Nothing too extreme, just mostly weekends and week maybe at a time.

So I found this website when doing google searches and was blown away right away by it. Then I saw a few familiar user names from the BMW community on here and searched even more. So I started with the 80 series in mind like I said but was put off by the cost of ownership for such limited use. Then the WJ and Monteros and Troopers and all that came into play but then I started searching the full size forums.

Seabass, amgvr4, chilliwak, TRDfan all caught my attention specifically and I decided to go with a full size truck with a topper on back after seeing all their ideas and combining that with some ideas I already had. The best part is after two months of trying to find a reason not to use a OBS Ford thats exactly where I ended up. Ive been driving these trucks since 98 when I got my license and they were no longer made. Ive owned 10 or so. So its a vehicle I know very well which gives me a start instead of learning a new vehicle like a 80 series. The OBS I own are now are an 87 f250 6.9idi 5spd its a plow/farm truck with skid steer tires on it so it wasnt a candidate, a 94 f250 7.3idiT with d60 swap and some mods but its built to tow a 90 Bronco I had for mudding so its not a candidate, and a 97 Super Duty 7.3psd 2wd stake truck so not a candidate.

So I knew I had to get a truck to fit this project and Wednesday driving home from work I saw something that caught my eye and it all clicked. So heres what I got and from here on out I look forward to adventures and mishaps along the way. I will be using a lot of you for advice because even though Ive owned these trucks for years I've never modified them in anyway. Just drove and maintained them. Owning a 90 Bronco and knowing that most parts are compatible I know there are tons of aftermarket parts and junkyards full of parts.

I picked up a 96 f350 XLT Regular cab with a cool topper that came with it. Its a 460, zf5 with 185k miles but one owner since new. It was used as a plow truck many years ago but since then he has rebuilt everything in the front end and the whole truck has new parts. It has a little Ford rust but thats what you get around here. This isn't a show truck and I know lots of body men. The pluses are the one owner, manual hubs, manual shift, D60 factory, mechanically sound, cool few extras thrown in, and a bed full of spare parts thrown in. I paid 3k. Its a fair deal for what I got. I didn't want a diesel for this project due to running costs. I own diesels and know the benefits and the negatives. I chose a 460 because I can get a 400hp 500tq zero mile motor built for 4500 and thats half the cost of a PSD. I plan on that once this motor gives out on this. I plan to maintain this and drive it till it pops. It has lots of life left to get me through building the rest of the truck.

Day I bought it 185k
aluminum topper
two pillar spotlights
smog deleted
centerforce clutch
warn hubs
305 Toyo Open countrys
solid ownership and maintenance history

My plans are
All maintenance, fluids etc
Rust repair
Front and Rear bumpers
Warn 18 Hydraulic
ARB lockers
ARB air
New Shocks
New tires
buildout the topper
lots of lights
solar battery charger
dual batteries
3in exhaust
upgraded driveshafts
lots of mud and dirt and fun and gas money

So on the same day I bought it I came home and ordered some Duratrac in 285/75/16 and they came in 2 days from that Discount direct deal online. I am going to get them mounted when I complete this post. I am posting some pictures dirty and just the way I bought it. Then I will update the progress.

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Fresh meat. I went and got my new Duratrac mounted and they ride nice. Not much road noise for an aggressive tread. Now I just need to get them muddy and we will see how they do. A pickup truck with open diffs won't do much.

I mentioned that this was inspired by members here and this is how. I want a rear bumper along the lines of amgvr4 and seabass. A tire carrier that swings out and locks on the back. Something similar but maybe with a place for fuel cans also. A 460 is thirsty. Then I like seabass and TRDfan how they have the full length metal rocker guards that are a step and jack point. I like the way they put a rack on the topper and the lights on it. Then I like the way Chilliwak made his homemade camper and his parking lot builds, thats pure motivation right there. Shows that motivation is more than money. Of course there are thousands of sweet builds on here and all over just those were the most relevant in my specific planning of using "an old beat up truck" :)

So if anybody wants to make me a rear bumper or knows someone who will make one let me know. Ive looked at the Iron bull and all that type of things but I want something specific. I also want some full length rocker guards and a front bumper also. What are my options in skid plates? Do I even need them? Ive never taken one of these "off road" only two track type trails not tight technical trails. I want this truck to go anywhere a stock 80 series would go within reason.

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I was browsing ideas and came across this flatbed. I always liked the Aussie style Hilux flatbeds and think I may want to go along those lines a little bit. I found this custom flatbed and with a few touches I like specific it would be perfect to put the topper onto. Anyone know where to even begin finding someone to build me something like this? Any ideas would be helpful. Thank you

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New member
Nice build. I like your plans for it. I have a very similar shell on my truck. I really like the double doors on back and the side doors. They allow me to get to stuff in the front of the bed without climbing in. I have always like utility beds and flatbeds with boxes. The drawback for me it the weight. An aluminum bed would take care of the weight, but then they are very expensive and hard to find used. I like the bed on that old ford, but I wonder how heavy it is. I look forward to seeing your progress.


Expedition Leader
Detroit, we really need to know what your skill level is like before we can suggest mods and such. Can you tell me if you can weld, do wiring, and if your mechanical skills are good? To build a canopy like mine you need ok construction skills. Funny mine is still solid after 10 plus years!:wings: But if you can do work yourself you will have a way different kind of truck.:bike_rider:
By the way, welcome to the site, and with a name like Detroit Diesel you might consider a vehicle change! (only kidding):)


Detroit, just came across your thread. Thanks for the compliments on my rig- it's much appreciated. I like what you got going with your new buy. These were some of the toughest trucks ever put on rubber tires! There's a lot of things you can do, and this is the best place I've found for inspiration and original ideas. I absolutely love the portal! I'd type a bunch of stuff, but you've read my thread and I've tried to be fairly thorough with it. The best advice I can give you is to not over-think things. Keep it simple and do what works best for your needs. Try it out and if it works- great. If not.....then let the fun begin! And that's the point isn't it? Having fun? Nothin better than enjoying your rig and taking in the type of country you want to be in. I love the mountains and streams- and I do my best to spend my free time there. My rig gets me those good memories. I hope that when your done you can achieve the same. If you got any specific question just ask- I'm always happy to offer my advice....even when it's wrong! Good luck and carry on!

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