Back in the Saddle...To Rekindle and Dream of Ruess


Expedition Leader
My friend Dave and I got away a week ago for 4 days. Our destination was Hole in the Rock Road and the canyons that surround it. For my friend, Dave, who has been fighting brain cancer for a few years, it was time to rekindle some southern Utah fun. He and I have canyoneered, mountain biked, and hiked all over southern Utah, but the past few years have been tough on him and he hasn't been able to get out much. Now, rested and feeling better; it was time to rally!

Evertt Ruess is a name that brings a person to wonder and imagine leaving everything behind. He was a wanderer in the 1930s and rambled all over the southwest. One day, he headed towards the Hole in the Rock. He was never seen again. His mules were found in Davis Canyon. His remains were never located. Was he swept away in a flash flood? Was he murdered by some local cowboys? Did he die on his own accord? Your guess is as good as mine. His signature of NEMO however has been found in random places on canyon walls in canyon country. The signature, his disappearance, and the mystery of his whereabouts are definitely intriguing and fascinating. Maybe we should search?

So off we went...We did not find any signs of Ruess, but what we did find were some of the prettiest areas of Southern Utah that both of us have been to. Fall in the desert--a special time!

We awoke to sun and bright blue skies! Dave has a TigerRv. A magical camper...A luxury in the backcountry!


Our plan was loose...Check out some to another campsite...repeat! The first few hours were lovely!

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Dave climbing into a canyon! It was great to see him get after it! He deserves it!


Don't forget to look up when you get into a slot canyon. Never know what you might find!

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The slot had everything...drops, squeezes, tightness...And a few arches as well.


Don't forget to look down!


We rallied back to the camper for an afternoon PBR! Life is good...The sun on our backs, a good hike under our belts, and the beauty of canyon country!

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Our next stop was some caves that a few local cowboys lived in 60 or so years ago. Didn't seem like they were driving a Dodge Diesel back then...


More to come...
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Expedition Leader
After our desert hike, we packed up and headed to some "caves". I talked with the rangers about the caves marked on the map. One ranger began telling me that two brothers lived there as Lake Powell (I prefer Powell's Reservoir) was filling, (AKA destroying the landscape.) and the brothers started to build a boat in case the water came up that far.

The other ranger interrupted and said that was false! She and her husband used to own the gas station in town and the brothers would come in to town to resupply, etc. She informed me that they just like building things, etc. They weren't worried about the water level. They were miners and in theirs spare time; they built things and hunted for petrified wood. A boat? Got to see it!

Well, now my interest was really peaked. Dave headed that way.

The caves were actually blasted out by the brothers. There were 3 total rooms.


There she is...The boat! Looks like it needed a little TLC.


Dave exploring the caves. It was nice to see Dave enjoying the natural world for change. Enough hospitals!



Magic hour was upon us. The lighting was fantastic!


We passed the ancient Hole in the Rock Trail. 150 years later...the desert has almost covered it up.


Our road looked like this...


The HITR led us past Dance Hall Rock. This is the place the Mormons spent their time waiting for the blasting supplies to come from SLC and the road to be blasted down the slick rock so they could cross the Colorado River and settle in the Southeastern corner of Utah. They danced...I guess. Waiting more like it. Spending two months during the winter out here doesn't sound like a lot of fun. Dancing? Maybe just turn around? Just sayin...


On the lookout for Rock Art. Found some...


Rocks...Crazy Rocks...This one was ready to slide off at a moments notice. Better take a pic!


More to come...One of Utah's Prettiest Canyons!
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Expedition Leader
Utah has many great canyons...I am not sure this is the prettiest of them all. But, on this day; Wilson Gulch, was the prettiest by far! An epic jaunt. It has everything...Rock art, desert varnish, water, waterfalls, slots, wading...It was a great day!

Yours truly heading into the unknown!


What's around the next corner? Let's find out!


Well, as Dave said..."Mother Nature did a number on this place!"


Continue down canyon...It was getting narrower!


Dave playing in the water.


Just Dave and canyon country...Did Ruess go down this canyon? Why not? Water, shelter...


The desert has many secrets. One is all the natural springs. The picture showcases the water dripping from above. This water would eventually flow into the Escalante River.


Dave in his element.


Time to find a campsite for the night. Where to go? Back on the HITR. The road was not in bad shape. Just slow and steady!


With no cows or cowboys in sight. We decided upon the corral. An old homesite. What a backdrop!


More to come...The search for Ruess intensifies.
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Expedition Leader
The next day as I was walking around camp, I notice some Moki Steps. Cowboy steps more like it in this case. Really no need to cut the steps in the rock. My guess was some cowboys got bored and over the course of some down time; carved out a few steps to go up and over the massive slick rock walls. Well, since we were there...I had to try. Words of caution...Don't climb Moki steps with flip flops.


With the Tiger RV loaded, we were ready to explore yet again. Today's adventure was to check out the last known canyon Everett Ruess was in...Davis Canyon. So off we went.


As we neared the actually end of the Hole in the Rock Road, we climbed and descended a great deal of slickrock.


The hike...the search...It is a magical place. No, not because some cowboy that might have perished there. Because it is so damn pretty. Hiking on Slickrock is awesome!
The Moki Marbles were everywhere!


Dave hiked and was great to see him enjoy being out there. We were on a mission. Find Davis Canyon. And, in front of us...Desert Beauty!


After we enjoyed the surroundings, we needed to find an arch. One of the arches of Davis Canyon. More hiking...More searching until Dave had this for a view.


Crazy country...Gorgeous country...


It was time to rally...The evening light was awesome!


We stopped and looked back one more time at the Hole in the Rock Road. ( On the upper right hand corner.) We will be back!!! 50 Mile Mountain's shadow casting over the slickrock landscape.


We headed north...Enjoying our surroundings! The 50 mile mountain paralleling the road.


More to come...the final day!
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Expedition Leader
The nice thing about Dave's TigerRv is that you can just pull over and sleep. So, that is what we did...In the morning, we checked out our surroundings. We were still 20 miles or so from Escalante.


Dave had to put air in the tires and air bags before we could rally home to Park City.


Crappy picture! But, unbelievable place. Make it happen. Check out the Grand Staircase Escalante Monument. The best thing President Clinton did while in office? Well, with regards to the natural world. Enjoy! It's ours!


A short hike in Bryce left us fulfilled. What an adventure!


Dave enjoying some peaceful steps before we pounded payment, I-15, all the way home.


Until next time...Get out there!


The search for Ruess

I can't recall how far back in time it was when I first heard of Ruess' disappearance. Probably the 1970s when I was in college and just embarking on what has become a lifelong interest in getting out and about. It's a fascinating story, and what a basis for a desert wandering trip.

Kudos on getting out with Dave. That's a mighty gracious gesture on your part.



Expedition Leader
Yeah, a very interesting story indeed. David Roberts has written a good book on him...

I can't recall how far back in time it was when I first heard of Ruess' disappearance. Probably the 1970s when I was in college and just embarking on what has become a lifelong interest in getting out and about. It's a fascinating story, and what a basis for a desert wandering trip.

Kudos on getting out with Dave. That's a mighty gracious gesture on your part.


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