Well the news is out so here's the build: Expedition Portal So-Cal Teardrop


2020 JT Rubicon Launch Edition & 2021 F350 6.7L
I feel I could sleep pretty comfortably with my wife, if we rotate a bit and sleep on an angle.

Hmm, not sure what to say about you two "rotating a bit and sleeping on an angle." Sounds like a great way to christen the trailer. :Wow1:


I built a cardboard enclosure around our queen size bed as a teardrop mockup. It was pretty fun, although my wife claimed it clashed with our bedroom furniture!


Yulli the Yeti
I built a cardboard enclosure around our queen size bed as a teardrop mockup. It was pretty fun, although my wife claimed it clashed with our bedroom furniture!

Are you still researching a TD? Have you started a bulid or anything? I remember seeing some posts about wanting one.


Well yesterday saw some changes to the teardrop. We unbolted everything from the tongue and removed the front bed liner sheet. As I've seen with most of these sheet style liners, it was peeling off.
Unfortunately after removing it the glue remained. I spent the next three hours scrubbing it and muttering less than favorable words under my breath. The worst part was that instead of actually coming off when you scrubbed it turned into stick balls of goop which then hardened on everything.

After removing it though we taped off the trailer and sprayed a fresh coat of real bed liner on. Looks much better and should last much longer.

We also alleviated one of my biggest frustrations with trailers. For anyone who hates trying to push the things around on those stupid hard plastic wheels BUY ONE OF THESE. Its an actual pneumatic tire I purchased through Adventure Trailers. Ill never own a trailer without one now.

She needs a bath but shes coming along!

I have the same issue with my Krawler all the faux bed liner is coming off, the pieces on the fender I was able to peel off easily enough but the piece on the cabin is much harder to get to with the fuel can holders and tongue box on. Did you use any solvent to remove the glue? SoCal needs to rethink the stick on liner they use and either do a real bed liner or leave it off altogether IMHO.

Putting on a wheel is another change I want to do also, mine just has a flat foot on the jack. I will take the current front jack and use it on the rear as a stabilizer.

Was your TD the one at the last OJ open house?
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The "good" wheel on the front makes a world of difference. I I tried making my own because the AT one seemed really expensive and I think i know why. I used a harbor freight pneumatic tire and they cant handle the weight so im guessing the AT one is much better quality and can handle more than 300lbs. I ended up going with an oversized hard rubber castor and it works pretty well as long as we are not in deep sand. The plastic wheels are definitely a joke unless you have a giant flat concrete pad with no pebbles on it. I still keep an extra flat bottomed jack because the castor jack sometimes wont get low enough.
Well yesterday saw some changes to the teardrop. We unbolted everything from the tongue and removed the front bed liner sheet. As I've seen with most of these sheet style liners, it was peeling off.
Unfortunately after removing it the glue remained. I spent the next three hours scrubbing it and muttering less than favorable words under my breath. The worst part was that instead of actually coming off when you scrubbed it turned into stick balls of goop which then hardened on everything.

Residual glue was once the bane of my existence, until I discovered these: decal removal wheel

They work quickly without damaging paint and smell like those old light brown pencil erasers.


Yulli the Yeti
We used to use those in autobody all the time. Just don't use them on plastic parts cuz it'll melt them. It should be fine on the TD. They work great though.

Chris Cordes

Expedition Leader
I've only got a M101CDN and had the same grip about the landing foot. Saw Paul May's wheel at Mountain Rendezvous last year and he told me it was from AT. Took a pic of his, looked at AT's site and as imitation is the greatest form of flattery, took the idea and built one for myself from parts. LOVE IT! AT's is a bigger tire which is nicer and I may go to, but I agree 100% with you about never being w/o one again!

Assume your last pic of the trailer also shows the tires w/spacers? Nice!!

You're probably going to like the bedliner on the front of the trailer. Considering that myself seeing all the rock chips on the rattle can paint job I did on mine. Bedliner should hold up much nicer! Rattle can variety from auto store? I used that stuff for the undercoating on my fenders and it's holding up great.

Looking forward to your 4runner build as well. Paul's certainly turned out nice.
Haha "only got a M101CDN" Those things are sweet. I would have killed for one when I built my first trailer. The wheels are awful though. This AT unit makes life SO much easier when disconnected from the vehicle. The Bed Liner is the real deal stuff sprayed by AT. I've used the roll on stuff on my first trailer though. It held up alright and is the best DIY solution. Long term abuse though I would just have the small area sprayed once.
The 4Runner will be a lot of fun. We'll have a few parts on it that no one's seen yet from some big names ;)

I agree. I had the opportunity yesterday to slot myself into one, and yeah, it felt quite spacious inside. However, at 6'-7", I am decidedly too long for it if I sleep straight-legged. However, I feel I could sleep pretty comfortably with my wife, if we rotate a bit and sleep on an angle.


View attachment 257171
I see you checked out Off the Grid. Cool Company and great concept. They run the 459 though. Ill bet ya a beer youd fit in the 510 like mine without issue.

Definitely interested in this! Do you have a separate build thread going for the 4Runner?
Not yet! I'll be starting it once the parts begin rolling in. Shouldnt be long!

I have the same issue with my Krawler all the faux bed liner is coming off, the pieces on the fender I was able to peel off easily enough but the piece on the cabin is much harder to get to with the fuel can holders and tongue box on. Did you use any solvent to remove the glue? SoCal needs to rethink the stick on liner they use and either do a real bed liner or leave it off altogether IMHO.

Putting on a wheel is another change I want to do also, mine just has a flat foot on the jack. I will take the current front jack and use it on the rear as a stabilizer.

Was your TD the one at the last OJ open house?
I used brake cleaner at first but the least damaging and best method I found was to douse heavily in Goo Gone and let it sit for a few minutes. Then use a very dull putty knife at an extremely gradual angle to remove layers of glue. Spray scrape repeat. Just be careful not to scratch it!

I would definitely respray the liner. Youll want it for looks and for damage avoidance. The wheel is totally worth it. One of the best changes thus far.

Yup! It is the same TD.

Residual glue was once the bane of my existence, until I discovered these: decal removal wheel

They work quickly without damaging paint and smell like those old light brown pencil erasers.
Nice! Thanks for the recommendation!

Chris Cordes

Expedition Leader
Well I removed the awning from the RRS recently and transferred it to the TD. I think it looks pretty good. More pictures hopefully soon



Yulli the Yeti
Looks good. I still need to put the awning on my TD. Trying to decide which side to it on. Driver or passenger? Is there a pro and con to either side?

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