07 Fort Sportmobile 4x4


Whenever I open an ad for a Sportsmobile, my initial thoughts are along the lines of, "that is way too expensive, think of how much gas you could buy for that money, etc." Then something snaps in my head and I realize I've been staring at the ad for 15 minutes and I need to clean the drool off my keyboard.


Whenever I open an ad for a Sportsmobile, my initial thoughts are along the lines of, "that is way too expensive, think of how much gas you could buy for that money, etc." Then something snaps in my head and I realize I've been staring at the ad for 15 minutes and I need to clean the drool off my keyboard.

I must admit I don't get the whole e class van concept. People spend a fortune on these to get to fwd and in the end all they end up with is a 30-40k van with 4wd. But I really do enjoy looking at them too.


Whenever I open an ad for a Sportsmobile, my initial thoughts are along the lines of, "that is way too expensive, think of how much gas you could buy for that money, etc." Then something snaps in my head and I realize I've been staring at the ad for 15 minutes and I need to clean the drool off my keyboard.

Pretty much my thoughts...

Although they would never work for me and the family. We took a friends for a spin and with me, the kid, and the dog, things felt tight. If I was solo, or just with the lady I think they'd be fine. I felt as soon as you add a 3rd person things felt cramped.

Obviously this is JMHO and others seem to have no issues with 2 kids and 2 adults in the rig.


Bad Buddhist
I can't get past the crapper being right under my pillow. Do I really need a fixed toilet in a van sized vehicle?


New member
Of course it's a head turner, it's butt-ugly yellow! As if a lifted van with attached geekage doesn't attract enough attention...

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