Using a camp shower - rules/regulations for water usage or disposal?


Expedition Leader
Wow- good to know about the no dumping gray water in state parks deal. I've been showering outside of my truck (I have an on-demand propane hotwater heater connected to a 20 gallon water tank) all over the place and will be more careful now. We have a little shower tent and we stand in a water heater tray when taking showers to collect the sudsy water- I guess I'll have to be more covert when I use that thing.

Yep been that way in Ca since the 90s. Youll get a ticket if they see a grey water hose laying out with no container to contain it.


Expedition Leader
Yep been that way in Ca since the 90s. Youll get a ticket if they see a grey water hose laying out with no container to contain it.

I really feel like gray water and shower water are totally different. Grey water has food particles, and a lot more soap concentration from washing dishes etc, than washing a person off.

Grey water gets NASTY! On a RV for instance, the grey water tank smells way worse than the black tank.

But I know nothing of the particular dumping rules.


you only have 2 choices waste water is either grey or black. unless you want to drink that water from your shower it's grey water. highdesertranger


"I plan on standing, butt naked next to the truck with the Zodi shower washing my blindingly white carcass and let the water run on the ground for the desert critters to enjoy."

- I do this too, but I use a solar shower, and a rubber pad to stand on. I figure if anybody wants to stare at my ugly ***, whatever. You don't like it, don't look and we are both happy.

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