Unimog 1300 L


New member
I´m new to this forum.
My plan is to build Unimog camper based on Bundeswehr or other ex-army chassis.
This camper should be used for few months long trips in future XX years :)))).

May I ask the experince Unimog's user for the following .... ???

1. Can you recommend some good source in Europe for Unimog purchase or is better to purchase direct from Bundeswehr ?
2. What is good to watch on Unimog before purchase (some sensitive parts and so on) ?
3. Are you really satisfied with Mog ? Sometimes I´m wondering if MAN or simmilar 4x4 isn´t better choice.

Big thanks in advance :).



Can't help on the first one, but the most important thing on a Mog are the portal axles, there is a known problem of oil migration from the left hand front portal, which results in bearing damage and even complete failure, so check the oil in them and if there is any metallic bits, or the oil is low,budget for a some new bearings and seals.

In regard to a MAN or similar, it depends on where you want to go, if you want to drive off road and on tracks for a long time, then you need an off-road truck, and a Unimog is designed to be used off-road fully loaded day after day. A MAN or similar is more for a combination of tarmac and gravel roads. Most people will not come close to using the Unimog anywhere near its capabilities, and it is not very good on tar roads, being a bit slow and noisy by comparison to other trucks.

In the end, it will depend on what you want to use it for, remember a camper truck will be very close to GVM all the time, and that will put a lot of strain on any vehicle, some are designed to run fully loaded all the time, other are not.


Expedition Leader
Iain has given a good summary that matches my experiences. Most Mog campers would be happier using their off-road capability to set up on a beach somewhere than being asked to travel significant distances on tarmac. They are not at their best in heavy traffic or on fast-moving highways, especially when the traffic is heavy and unable to pass you easily. Their speed up grades will be quite limited, especially when loaded with a full camper setup, and they are, as mentioned, quite noisy.

In short, not the best for traveling significant pavement miles, but unbeatable when going off-road is required.


New member
Thanks for reply guys .... of cause, agree with you, you confirmed my opinion.

I prefer get an Unimog with law mileage and there is relatively many such Mogs, so I hope it will not be a problem.
Prices are law, but expect to spend more for some parts, therefore my question above.

Iain, how many liters takes your full loaded Mog on the paved road and offroad usually please ?



unfortunately I have not finished building it, so I have not idea :(

I am estimating around 20-30lt per/100km, on or off road, might be higher in sand dunes etc.


Expedition Leader
Iain, how many liters takes your full loaded Mog on the paved road and offroad usually please?
CamperMog, my former 416-based camper with a loaded weight of 16,000 pounds (a bit over 7,000 kilos), got 10 miles per gallon (23.5 liters per 100/km) in an average high speed cruise . . . that'd be with the engine close to redline at 54 miles per hour.

Since the truck could hold nearly 700 liters of diesel, it was difficult to get a good measurement of how the truck's fuel economy was off-road. My estimate is that it was approximately 30% lower.

My truck, of course, was not an MBU/SBU, but I suspect that my 416's fuel economy would be comparable to other OM352 trucks of a similar weight.


New member
Thanks again .... I found some average consumption data of 1300L, but none with camper box fitted on.
If Mog takes 20 - 25 L / 100 km full loaded, I´m very satisfied.

Yesterday night I did some searching for Unimogs in stock and found many, really many mostly in Germany and The Netherlands ....

I´m not sure how to find a key and solve which one to get.


One aspect you have to remember is that the Unimog looks much cooler than the alternatives - The tarmac performance suffers, but you always have to pay for beauty:)


New member
One aspect you have to remember is that the Unimog looks much cooler than the alternatives - The tarmac performance suffers, but you always have to pay for beauty:)

my interest in Unimog is based on future plans to travel to any corner of the globe I will wish.
My work offers me 3 months a year to go abroad and I just like to go overland.
I don't intend use a Mog here in Europe, maybee for Island only.
Russia (Siberia), Asia and Africa are my Mog destinations.

I spent month in you extraordinary beautiful country this summer. I drove whole the way across Sweden and Finland upto the "Nordkapp" and back to the south over all great places I had time to visit in Norway, but with regular camper only. For Mog, it would be nightmare and I would need two months for the same trip. That time I got convinced Unimog is not for Europe.

Second reason why Unimog is a relatively good choice as a law mileage old truck is price, which offers better budget for rebuilt.
Your Vario is great choice too, Fuso 4x4, Iglhaut Sprinter, Iveco 4x4 and MAN also, but I would go this way only for new truck purchase and without Add-blue.
Offer of such used vehicles with law mileage is limited in my eyes, this is why Unimog seems to be still the best for me.

But nobody knows what future brings .... I´m still searching the Mog only, I´m not an owner now ....


Unimog camper

Hello Rasu,

I am thinking about going in the same direction as you are:


Camper body built on an German Ex-army U1300L. Have you thought about the layout of the interior of your camper? I have just started planning for such a built, maybe we could learn something from each other?:)


New member
Hello Vegard,

of cause it would be great !!!
I do expect many questions which is very useful to discuss with others.
Regarding the interior my plan is probably bit different than yours, because I must somehow accomodate my children on the board.
In some case more seats isn't bad to have, but normally I would built the Mog only for two passengers.
No way, we had children late and have three, therefore this is a must.

By the way, I'm curious how big import tax for Mog is in Norway. Could you enlarge my knowlage please ?
Expect 50 - 100 % import tax. Is it correct or no ?


By the way, I'm curious how big import tax for Mog is in Norway. Could you enlarge my knowlage please ?
Expect 50 - 100 % import tax. Is it correct or no ?

If it is registered as a truck/lorry for goods (no camper part on the back) you pay 25 % Vat on both the vehicle price and transport of vehicle to Norway. If it is to be registered as a camper you pay about 1/3 of the finished price in taxes and tolls. (So for my camper it cost about 1600000 NOK to purchase the vehicle, and then about 800000,- in taxes on top of that.) There is a calculator on the website www.toll.no that allows you to calculate the precise amount for most types of vehicle.


The unimog is a very attractive choice in many ways, I love their iconic look and their hardcore offraod ability. I searched exclusively for an unimog for a long time but was unable to find a doka in good condition for what I considered reasonable money. I ended up buying a year 2000 vario 815da with 100 000 km on the clock for less than half of a decent 1980s doka mog. But the market situation is different for single cabs I would guess.

I had to admitt to myself that it is hard to objectively justify the uncompromising Unimog for most kind of overlanding. Even in sibiria or asia they tend to have some kind of road. Where the unimog will excell compared to a Vario, which also have low range and diff locks, are when there are no roads.
But then we have the subjective factors...one day I still hope to own a mog.

Not to much help I guess...


New member
If it is registered as a truck/lorry for goods (no camper part on the back) you pay 25 % Vat on both the vehicle price and transport of vehicle to Norway. If it is to be registered as a camper you pay about 1/3 of the finished price in taxes and tolls. (So for my camper it cost about 1600000 NOK to purchase the vehicle, and then about 800000,- in taxes on top of that.) There is a calculator on the website www.toll.no that allows you to calculate the precise amount for most types of vehicle.

Thank you very much Julius0377,

thanks for the post.
It isn´t so bad as I expected ....

In practice, you import Unimog as the truck first (if you built by yourselves later in Norway) with VAT paid only before Mog goes over Norwegian border and than in some period add material and your own work to finish camper box.
Do I understand well that before change in registration documents from truck to camper truck you must pay 1/3 tax of added value ?


New member
I searched exclusively for an unimog for a long time but was unable to find a doka in good condition for what I considered reasonable money.

Even in sibiria or asia they tend to have some kind of road. Where the unimog will excell compared to a Vario, which also have low range and diff locks, are when there are no roads.
But then we have the subjective factors...one day I still hope to own a mog.

Not to much help I guess...

Hi Jostein,

I definitely agree with all written above.
As I mentioned need more seats therefore DOKA would be the best even for me. Time by time is some available (right now for cca. 115 000 EUR on mobile.de) and of cause, such price is off my limit.
I spoke with authorities and if the cabin is connected with camper part by tunnel, I can build seats inside - without a tunnel NO !!!

We live in 21st century and "some" roads are almost everywhere, your Vario meets all usual and unusual needs .... I wouldn´t fear ..... If I would be able to get old Vario with same mileage as Unimog, I would probably go Vario way too - love this car.

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