Motivation For Overlanding


I live in the silicon valley. I have been messing with computers and software since the 80's. All of the heavy weights in software in the early days drilled into people to pay back to the community. I think what makes Overlanding different from 4x4 camping crowd is that it is a must to share your experiences with everyone over the net. Some in the overlanding crowd have taken the sharing to high limits with truly outstanding videography using many angles and even the use of drones. I like watching videos with music in the background also. Apart from the vehicle build and travel the build up to those trips are important. My brothers and I use to talk about different types Tequila and how they grow the agave for 15 years then kill it to make tequila. After discussing the Tequila we would take a few shots. The build up before the shot always makes it taste much better. It is the same for me when I overland. When I finally hit the road the build up to the trip makes me soak up every second of every sight and sound. That being said remember Tom Sheppard's Land Rover when crossed the Sahara when you do your vehicle build. You need to keep it simple and keeping simple means being extremely frugal. Also try to incorporate video equipment and video editing equipment as apart of your build so you can give back to the overlanding community.
Sorry for rambling.


Autism Family Travellers!
My motivation for overlanding is to get the family to place places that most have not seen. Anyone can drive the highways, which is awesome too. But, Getting out for a trip off road visiting historic places and then my kids talking about it after is all the motivation that is needed.

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