Locking shifters together...anti theft precaution


A friend of mine had a similar setup in his 60.

He locked the gearbox in reverse and the transfer in L4. His setup was not nearly as clean as this one, but it worked perfectly.

Here in Venezuela, locking shifters or pedals is as regular as a vehicle alarm system. For carbureted vehicles, which are way easier to hot wire (and with worn locks can be opened extremely easily) you get to see vaults for the pedals, transfer case locks and the likes. Other common security systems are hidden cut-off switches for vehicles without transponder systems

Remember, security systems won't ever avoid your vehicle being stolen if the thief really wants it, it just makes it harder. The whole point of a security system is to make the bastard think your vehicle will be harder to steal and so he will move on to another one. This is coming from a person living in one of the most dangerous cities in the world, which also happens to be pretty much filled with Toyotas which are naturally the most sought-after vehicles by lowlifes and thieves.
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Neat idea, I was just reading an old issue of "Land Rover Owner International" magazine and they had a lock for sale for the older series 2 that locked the clutch and brake pedals together.

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