A Couple of Quick Gen 3 Questions


First off, this is my first post here. I've been reading build threads and getting lots of information and ideas. Thanks to all who have put in so much time and effort to document their builds. I hope to do the same when I get started modding my Montero.

I recently purchased an '02 Montero XLS. It was missing a couple of items, the second skid plate, the rear seat headrests... but most importantly, the owner's manual. Anyone know where I can find one? In the meantime, I need to ask a question that would normally be answered with a little OM reading.

What is the weight limit of the roof rails?


I'm missing those two exact things on my '03 limited! have been checking the local pick a parts places every few weeks, no luck yet


I am missing my owners manual as well...idk what the previous owners do with these things but they are $45 at the dealer. Last time I checked there was only 1 available that showed up in their system for my 03, ive tried ebay with no luck and pick and pulls around town have 0 montys in them, on a side note I guess thats a good thing for the reliability of them but bad for the easy access of used parts lol.


It is amazing what people throw away without ever thinking about it. It does not look as if the 2nd skid plate was mentioned yet, so I will. The 2nd skid plate is/was plastic. Mine got ripped off already, but I did keep it to use as a template for a new custom skid plate made of something better than plastic.


Thanks for all the help guys. I am chomping at the bit to get this thing outfitted.

Will share some pics when I get it back from my mechanic friend.


good to know the 2nd one was plastic.... now I'll know a little more if I see one laying on the ground under a Montero at a pick-a-parts place.

Michael Brown

You followed me, so now we're both lost
The second skid plate is always plastic and is nearly flat. The plastic ones tend to get torn off easily by road debris. It can honestly be replaced with some sheet metal or lexan from the hardware store and will be just as strong. Drill 2 holes for the rear bolt positions and make slots for the front ones (slides under metal bash plate at front and shares its lower bolts). Oil changes will then just need the rear bolts removed and the shared ones with the bash plate loosened until it slides out.

For the Owner's Manual, I don't think one is listed in my FSM link below. The 2003 FSM link may be helpful for any information you might need.


Thanks, Michael. I've been thinking a lot about the skid plate since the truck is in the shop and I can't actually get started cutting and bolting.

Speaking of being in the shop, my friend the mechanic called and I will have my Montero back this weekend.


Active member
Michael Brown, I just checked your FSM link and it says it has stepped out for a bit. Is that a permanent situation or temporary?

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