ARB Tent ladder question. Lock?


So I just set up my RTT for the first time. Is the ladder supposed to lock when in use?
I could not get it to lock other than in the opening position.
This seems like it could be dangerous to the feet, getting pinched as it lowers due to weight being put on it as you climb up?

tent trailer.JPG


Old Marine
Pretty sure mine locks open. It's 7000 miles away right now so I can't check. It should have holes for the locking pins to go into when open. Dumb question, but one section isn't upside down is it?

Edit: looks like it's not fully extended in your picture. You may need to add holes for the pins to lock if you want it to be that short when extended.


The only holes are at the bottom for when you are using it to open the tent, after that their are no holes, It was put together at the factory but I do not see any holes on the other side either.
Hopefully some else has one handy.


Add some

I've added several additional holes to each side of the ladder. Mine is mounted on an off-road trailer and depending upon the terrain an where I have the frame holding the RTT adjusted to, I needed several options.

Go for it.... Add a couple to suit your comfort level relative to the angle of the ladder and the bottom of the RTT.


New member
I've added several additional holes to each side of the ladder. Mine is mounted on an off-road trailer and depending upon the terrain an where I have the frame holding the RTT adjusted to, I needed several options.

Go for it.... Add a couple to suit your comfort level relative to the angle of the ladder and the bottom of the RTT.

^ This. You have to drill some extra holes if your ladder in not fully extended. We've done the same thing because we've needed to add a short ladder extension.


Ok, thanks guys I know the instructions say not to, but I trust those who have used and done it.
time to get out the drill..:wings:


Old Marine
Not to thread jack, but what is the "correct" angle for the ladder to be at? This got me thinking about my setup...


New member
Ok, thanks guys I know the instructions say not to, but I trust those who have used and done it.
time to get out the drill..:wings:

Just don't drill too large a hole and you should be fine. We added three sets of holes (adequately spaced) to our ladder to allow for different terrain. Almost five years and no problem.


I had to drill new holes after raising the mounting height of the RTT. I 'closed' the previous holes by JB-Welding a thin piece of sheet metal over the other holes (for when the RTT was mounted lower). Now the ladder slides from collapsed to extended without having to finagle it past the previous holes...

Drill away!

Not to thread jack, but what is the "correct" angle for the ladder to be at? This got me thinking about my setup...

I strive for the maintaining the same angle as the annex wall. Because the RTT does 'rely' (somewhat) on the ladder to support the 'open' side of the RTT, you wouldn't want the ladder to be too 'flat'. I assume everyone recognizes that... With the sliding ladder (rather than the telescoping ladders) you only have as many options as you have 'stop' holes in the ladder. Depending on were we set up, our ladder may be close to vertical or... Personally, I dislike the ladder the closer to vertical it gets. To answer your question, There is no 'correct' angle but the one that suits you...
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We found our ladder angle using the stock stop holes was a little off, and made it difficult to access the door. first up this spring when we mount the tent is to take ladder off and mark for additional holes. by the looks of the weather back in BC, I'll be mounting it when I get home next weekend :wings:


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We commonly re-drill and advise our out of town customers the same. Mount the tent and set the ladder at the appropriate angle. Use the spring loaded pins to mark ideal spots, rotate them back and forth with a bit of pressure against the inner ladder and they will leave a perfect drill mark. Center punch and drill, no need to remove the ladder or get too technical with your measuring.


New member
ARB really should clarify their materials a bit. I think the actual wording was not to add holes below the existing ones, so drill away...

Crazy Schooner

Fortune's A Mistress
I had to drill holes for the ladder extension ARB sells. When I had the tent temporary on my ladder rack last season the stock ladder was too short.



Drill away, we have an Arb on the cab of the Unimog and we had to add an entire additional ladder segment. Arb said we were fine to drill away, but to stay above the stock hole if possible. Also, on ladder angle, they said to be sure the ladder was bearing some weight from the tent, but that most of the support is from the section that is bolted to the roof rack.

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