Super Raptor


Oh man we are close to run time. Trans and transfer case are in. 99% of the wiring is done. Now all I need is an engine fan to finish cooling system install and I can actually start it. For any and all out there thinking of doing this conversion be advised that the engine cooling fan for a 1999-2002 Cummins is nearly impossible to find. Seems that 99 thru 02 uses a standard rotation fan that is as rare as hens teeth. Not too sure but I might have a OEM fan ordered. They were discontinued so we will see. Man I can't wait to hear her purr!!


Look into medium-duty applications, there are tons of them running the 5.9 in many varieties, even F550s got them IIRC. Also see what Horton has to offer regarding an electric fan clutch, it is very nice to be able to just shut the thing off and let it freewheel when forced airflow thru the grille is high enough (interstate speeds with a light load), then when you actually start making some heat with the thing have it temp-switch controlled to kick in whenever, with a manual override switch for those hot and humid summer days when a bit of extra cooling is needed for A/C purposes.


WOW! This represents about 40 hours woth of work and several hundred dollars not to mention a huge advance in this particular project. You'd never guess it would you? Hours of adaptation and fabrication. All I need now to make this thing actually run is an exhaust and a trans cooler. It WILL actually smoke! SOON!



Work brotha lot's and lot's of work. It's easy to get overwhelmed with a big project like this but you take it one piece at a time and pretty soon your seeing progress. When I was building my house years ago my brother gave me some good advice. "Don't try to eat the whole elephant in one bite". Take one bite at a time and soon your done. I live by that. All that and a really great understanding and kind wife makes everything possible.


Speaking of progress TOMORROW is THE day. After nearly 9 months of work it should run tomorrow. Prayers, crossed fingers and whatever else you have. If I have done every one of the 6 million things exactly correct it will run correctly. So far just about 30K in it and more to go. Oh man I cannot wait! It's like giving birth only the pain is stretched out over many months.IMG_20150922_181720_735.jpg


[video][/video] Well here it is! Finally. It runs like a clock with no leaks! What a relief.

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