Who Still uses cast iron while traveling?


Really like my cast iron. Would like to find a self basting lid for my skillet, would make stove top pizzas that much easier.

Scott B.

SE Expedition Society
Always have a cast iron skillet and lid - sometimes more. I strap them down in a drawer in the teardrop, and they don't move or bounce.

We also have a set of 2 stainless steel pots that occasionally use.

No aluminum, except for the Outback Oven. Gotta be able to make brownies!


I grew up cooking on cast iron pans and I've recently converted my fiancée to use them, too. Although we've typically used steel pans while camping in the past, we're about to switch to cast iron in the field. If I have any advice to give on this subject, it's this: go to eBay or antique stores and purchase a good quality Griswold, Victor, or Wagner size 8 or 9 skillet. It's a common size and they can typically be found for $20-$30. I say this because the quality of these pans FAR SURPASSES those of Lodge or any of the Chinese knock-offs you'll find new for the similar price. Check the inside of a Lodge pan- it's bumpy and pitted. Now check the inside of a Griswold- it's smooth like glass. That means less scrubbing to clean it and less time seasoning. Lift up a Lodge pan and it weighs a ton, where a Griswold is easily a pound or two lighter. Better metal, better finishing, and the fact that it's still around since the 30's is testament to it's durability.

Also- if you're into conservation, this is a perfect example of reduce, REUSE, and recycle!


New member
We always bring the cast iron frying pan, and sometimes a dutch oven, too. I wouldn't think of not bringing cast iron along. They're so versatile!


I almost always bring a 10" cast iron skillet. Lately, my dutch ovens have been staying at home more often than not.


I quit when I started using anodized aluminum :)

for me I used to carry cast iron but quit once I started using the anodized stuff for a few reasons
less maintenance no worry about rust etc...
easier clean up
stuff comes out just as tasty and good
way lighter to load unload and have in the rig

I use some cast iron at home still but have cut way back on it now :)

I am new to the Dutch Oven thing, but I went with GSI aluminum and I am very happy with the product so far.


Camping without cast iron, heaven forbid!

We always take at least one dutch oven with us and sometimes all three and one or two skillets. We just found an 18 inch skillet really only works good on my son's big camp stove but it is fun to use and can really cook up a lot of grub. Pans that big were originally made for the top of a wood stove that has a much bigger heat area (the entire top of the stove).
Hot biscuits, sour dough bread, casseroles really up the comfort level when camping. Surprisingly, it does not take a lot more time to cook with a dutch oven than to cook on the stove. Give it a try, it is a lot of fun.


New member
I will renew the tradition of using my cast iron pans for camping.

I got my first cast iron pan when my parents bought their cabin over 15 years ago in the Canadian wilderness. It was outside under the cabin all rusted up. The bottom said 'ace in Japan.

I took it and cleaned her up real nice, oiled and seasoned her up again and I still use it to this day!

Sent from my Grizzly 700 somewhere in the Canadian wilderness.


Supporting Sponsor - Mojoe Outfitters
Cast iron is good but hot rolled steel plate is way better! It has far better heat conductivity and almost unbelievable no-stick properties. I use my Mojoe Griddle on every camping trip either on my campfire or Camp Chef stove. The only other piece of cooking gear that I need to bring is a pot to boil water!

Here is a video showing how to cook pancakes on the campfire using the Mojoe Griddle:




Expedition Leader
I HAD a very old and very seasoned 12" cast iron skillet that I used all the time...then a girlfriend did dishes one morning and threw it in the dishwasher....never was the same after that.


Expedition Leader
Cast iron is good but hot rolled steel plate is way better! It has far better heat conductivity and almost unbelievable no-stick properties. I use my Mojoe Griddle on every camping trip either on my campfire or Camp Chef stove. The only other piece of cooking gear that I need to bring is a pot to boil water!

Here is a video showing how to cook pancakes on the campfire using the Mojoe Griddle:



Thanks to you, whenever I go on Instagram I get hungry.

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