New 50qt. ARB Fridge Freezer for Sale

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Not sure what to think. I got a PM from the seller saying: Thanks for costing me money...Karma will get you.

My response to the seller was: "Having recently purchased the same unit, I figured I'd do you a favor by letting you know. There has been much discussion about the prices of these units on this site lately, including a thread dedicated to that exact product, so I wasn't exposing some unknown secret. My post intended to serve you first, to help you get it sold, or at least know why it wasn't selling. This is a community of sorts and we do look out for each other, and in addition to helping inform you, we certainly don't want to see members get duped into paying more than retail for something. We all help and look out for each other. I can only hope that comes back to me in the form of karma."

I have to assume that what I thought was informative and beneficial to both buyer and seller, is what Scott is referring to as a '************-move'. I had no malicious intent and was only trying to help, (I have informed sellers in this way before and always been thanked) but it seems I was off-base and out of line. I support keeping opinions to myself, as Scott suggested, and I certainly did not share any opinions, only facts, and nothing that isn't already available on this forum. Sorry all. Hopefully the outcome is that a seller got their item sold and a buyer purchased at a fair price.


philndz, FWIW, I think you did the right thing, and more importantly, you did it without any attitude, just posting facts. I guess it could be debated that it should have been done privately with PMs. I had a jerry can for sale here once, I had a firm commitment to buy it from a member here for my asking price, and someone else pointed out that it was available cheaper at one particular storefront. Without even being asked, I volunteered to the buyer to lower my price to below that of the retail outlet and everyone was happy.

I think that's the right thing to do, and that's what true karma is all about.

You were not helping anyone except yourself to make yourself feel better and here is why:

Fact 1. Anyone with any sort of industry knowledge would have known that the link you provided was for fridges being sold under jobber price and therefore, not consistent with ARB's policies for selling their product. The fact that the price was raised 1 day later only confirms that fact. Most manufacturers have strict rules against that type of pricing and a vendor can be denied access to that product for violating those policies.

Fact 2. The price I was originally asking was also below what the revised price ended up being on your link by over $50 which still would have been a good deal as it is very close to jobber price. Even today on the website you pimped, that fridge is $877.95.

Fact 3. Had you bothered to ask, you would have learned that the price I was asking was also exactly what I paid for it so I was not trying to make any money on the deal, only get out what I had into it which was more than fair since it was un-used. Also, you chimed in mere hours after I posted it so I was not having a problem selling it. You never even gave anyone a chance to make me an offer.

Fact 4. You treated me as if I was a retail volume dealer of ARB fridges and not as you say, one of your community who you were trying to help.

Fact 5. You had no intent to buy yet were completely comfortable with beating my price down.

The fact that you don't get any of this only confirms to me that your intent was in fact malicious.
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I'm actually glad now that you think my intent was malicious, because I almost wish it had been. Rather than waste my time responding or even attempting to convey my good intentions, I'll just leave this here so that Scott and the other forum members know (for the future) who/what they are dealing with. You've said your piece, and directly called me a ************, and while I have my own opinions of you now, I'll keep those to myself and ask that you refrain from further name-calling. Hopefully we can at least agree on that.
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