The $350 Xterra


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I really want to, but I know nothing about them. I've never planned on modifying a 4x4 before, much research is required.


New member
This was the coolant hose I was talking about. I suppose it is possible to replace it without having the cam pulleys off, but it wouldn't be easy.



New member
Well, the engine made it into the chassis.


I am having a heck of a time getting the engine to line up with the engine mounts. I determined that removing the exhaust would help. I spent a while with various tools, a propane torch, and WD-40. I finally had to resort to a nut breaker and even that didn't cleanly break the last nut. I think tomorrow will see the hacksaw or cutoff tool.

Once it is aligned on the mounts, getting everything hooked up shouldn't be that hard unless the intakes really are different after 2002.


New member
The engine is attached to the transmission. Picking up a threaded rod helped greatly with this. The starter is installed. I have to finish hooking up the rest of the accessory pulleys, connect the wiring, then reinstall the radiator and front differential, and I should be ready to try and start it.


New member

There is still a bit of work to do, but I can confirm that a 2004 Xterra engine will bolt up into the 2000 chassis with no fitment problems with the intake or the exhaust. I had to swap the 02 sensors because the plugs were different.

Things left:

Bolt up exhaust after the rear catalytic converters.
Put front differential back in. Remember to hook up the breather tube.
Replace several vac lines
screw in remaining engine mount bolts

Probably a few hours of work, or 90 minutes if I can rope in another set of hands and eyes.


New member
Long overdue edit.

The intake on the 2004 is different in the emissions controls from the 2000, and it won't pass inspection. I've been looking at it sitting in my driveway for the past few months and I think this weekend I'll finally get it together.

I did notice a clunk in the passenger side front suspension while moving it around. The battery is also suffering from a constant draw. I'm sure that's going to be expensive and/or aggravating to find and fix.


New member
After spending a bit of time and effort on this and getting it into good shape... I sold it. There were a long list of little things that were driving me crazy about the thing and they are very sparse in the self-service junkyards, so I passed it on to somebody who just wanted a reliable 4x4 and wasn't worried about it being perfect. I prefer not to count my labor and say I made a little money on it. It eases my mind that way.

I'm currently in the market for something a bit newer.

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