Just Picked Up a Canon 70D. Anyone else Shooting With one?


Thornton Melon's Kid
I have a couple jobs coming up where I needed something better in low light than my T2i. I was going to go for the 6D but I just can't justify going fullsize yet. Seems to be a good move so far. The only thing that really sucks is having to upgrade to Lightroom 6. The camera is newer than Lightroom 4 and does not support it's RAW photos (I know there is a PITA way around it).


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I'm rocking a 70D, I'm far from an expert or even proficient with it but it's been great thus far and I'm picking up all its features.


I've had one since last fall, and have been really pleased with it - its small size is nice too.

The ability to place focus point on the LCD in Live View mode I find quite useful also.

It shoots birds in flight rather nicely as well.
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Thornton Melon's Kid
I've had one since last fall, and have been really pleased with it - its small size is nice too.

The ability to place focus point on the LCD in Live View mode I find quite useful also.

It shoots birds in flight rather nicely as well.

That tap to focus with the live view would have came in handy on a promo shoot I had to do a couple days before. I am liking it more the more I use it.
The only thing that really sucks is having to upgrade to Lightroom 6.

Can't you just download the latest version of Adobe Camera Raw? I'm not a Lightroom user so I don't know for sure. I'm a Photoshop CS6 user and a few months ago I downloaded the latest ACR to work the raw files from my Nikon D810 and it was a free upgrade for me. I'm trying to put off a subscription to the Adobe Creative Cloud for a while..


Thornton Melon's Kid
There was actually some Canon software it came with but I am just too used to using Lightroom. I guess I could use some new tricks anyway. I thought about the CC sub but I am just not fan of that type. Hell, I still buy CDs because I like a hard copy of things so having software CDs is fine by me.


New member
I bought my wife one for Christmas, along with three prime lenses. I got her a super wide angle, 1:1 macro and a super telephoto. She loves it.

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I have had mine for about a year now and ended up selling my 6D because of it. I ended up using the 70D quite a bit more even though it's not a full frame, it's just a much more useful camera IMO. I will be shopping for a new full frame rig soon though,probably a Sony A7II because you do give up a bit with these crop sensors. Overall though, this 70D has been a great camera.


I use a Canon 70d and a 5D Mk III. I use Adobe Camera Raw to convert CR2 files to DNG and then import into lightroom 4. It is another step but I don't want to get stuck paying monthly for Adobe until I absolutely have to. Will probably add an 1DX next year as I want to shoot more low light stuff. The 70d is awesome for video and really good at photos. The 5D MK III has better low light and color but not that noticeable. Let me know if you have further questions.

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