Wife Got Licensed


Wow! I am elated.

10-3-15, My wife got her Tech license and I am so proud of her! KG7WMC

UPDATE: (10-17-15) She upgraded to GENERAL CLASS today!

UPDATE: (10-27-15) She was granted the vanity call of K7OMY (Oh My!)

UPDATE: (01-23-16) She upgraded to AMATEUR EXTRA CLASS today!
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Congratulations to her and you
Thanks. She had no prior experience at radio, but felt it was necessary to learn for emergency communications. Chances are that if we have an emergency it will be me that needs the help and she the one who calls for it. We have Icom 706MKIIG's in our backroads truck and in our daily driver so HF/VHF/UHF is available to us if and when we need it. In the meantime it's fun making a few contacts and meeting people. She is a little shy of the microphone now, but I imagine that will change with experience.


That's cool man! I'm trying to get my wife in on it too. She's really social so talking isn't an issue for her.


awesome man! I hate the current trend of people buying china ham radios and not getting licenses. Its always cool to see people put in the time and effort to get the license. I got mine in 2003 back in highschool randomly because I had a friend that was into it, been used sooo much since them. Mainly on all our offroad trips with friends.


Desert rat
Excellent! My wife finally got her license a month before we had our first child. After casually mentioning to her for a few years that it would be helpful to be able to communicate while I'm in the boonies (well, regional trips) and in an emergency, what finally did it was saying something to the effect of, "You know, once we have Nicholas, it sure would be good to communicate if a natural disaster were to strike while I'm at work... It could take me hours to a day to get home to you guys." Boom! The next day I caught her studying the tech book. :ylsmoke:

She's not too fond of talking on the radio, but it came in handy when we had the 20-hour power outage here in So. California a few years ago and when my son wants to talk to her via repeater when we're camping. It sure is nice to hand her the radio and have her--legally--help me with radio checks too!
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Oh my! Within the past month Evelyn got her Tech license, upgraded to General Class, changed her call sign to K7OMY (Oh My!) and is now reading the Amateur Extra book.


Oh my! Within the past month Evelyn got her Tech license, upgraded to General Class, changed her call sign to K7OMY (Oh My!) and is now reading the Amateur Extra book.
I knew it was inevitable. She passed the AMATEUR EXTRA exam this morning!!! What a gal.
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wow that awesome, I never got past my tech. started studying a few times for my general but never followed through. I guess I dont really have a need to go any further but it sure does make your callsign cool. CONGRATS for her!


Being retired made it easier for both of us because we had the luxury of time. Studying for the Extra takes a lot of time when all you have is just a basic education in mathematics and absolutely no training in electronics. Neither of us are big time radio operators. We don't spend much time on the air so having an Extra Class ticket is not really necessary. Just something to hang on the wall I guess. But, we have enjoyed the hobby.

I think most couples leave it to the guy (or the most active spouse) to operate the radios whether they be ham, cb, gmrs or frs. But, when you think about it, it is usually the guy who is most likely to be disabled from an injury, heart attack, etc, so isn't it logical that the other spouse be trained in operating the equipment? I guess that would include the winch and other gear as well. And it doesn't make much difference whether you drive lonely paved backroads or the toughest 4x4 trails in the country, if you are likely to be alone sooner or later and you could find yourself in big trouble without dependable communication.

Enough preaching for today! I'll pass your comments on to my wife, thanks!
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