Recommend a fun .22 Rifle

travel dodge

I got myself a stainless 10-22 for my birthday last month,, lots of fun to shoot and lots of after market stuff for it, plan to build it with a folding stock and scope and keep for "survial" rifle. In case I need to hunt rabbits and the like if the rig breaks down. They are supper cheep so is the ammo.


Having just come back from a weekend of outdoor fun, including 1500+ rounds of .22, I'm going to throw in a vote for a vintage pump-action .22 of some sort. I brought an early Remington model 12 with open sights, and my buddy brought the same gun with an oldschool scope on it. They are fun enough to keep you entertained, operation is intuitive for non-shooters (more so than a semi), and accuracy was nothing to complain about.

Plus they're skinny and small, and pack up easily in the vehicle as compared to something with a pistol grip or elevated AR-style sights. I was getting 5" groups at 100 yards with open sights, using my gun case folded over as an improvised rest, with old Federal Hi-Velocity rounds.

You should be able to pick up a couple of these for about $200 if you are patient.


Here's the info on the model 12: LINK


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Those Remington model 12s are sweet guns. I have a couple of those. On the other hand, the 10/22 is the Jeep of the rimfire world, you can buy just about anything to modify it any way you like.

XL Bar

I'll buck the conventional wisdom and recommend a Marlin 39 lever action. Extremely accurate, fun to shoot, breaks down small for transport. Best of all its not a 10/22 :).


Expedition Leader
Being someone who travels alot and shipping firearms is a pain if not impossible....I bought one of these


yep an air gun........and yep for the price you could get a real gun

But unlicenced / legal in most countries...if you import as 12ft/lbs...

In the UK its classed as a firearm...

S410 FAC (extra high power) Ref: S410FAC
Extra High Power Illustrated

0.22 Calibre 33/35 ft/lb

Pellets by the tin......goes through 3/4" oak plywood, can shoot in the backyard....if you have a concrete wall or lower the power output

10 round magazine
PCP type with air pump and 200bar cylinder, shrouded barrel.

In co in squirrel season I'd park the truck, lean out the window and get around 5 ground squirrels before they realised they were under attack...:REOutShootinghunter

I was using kodiak pellets to start and had to change to crow magnums to get the round to impact better rather and just fly straight through....


Heretic Car Camper
Best bang for the buck: 10/22
I bought one of the ~$150 stainless target barrels for mine. Made a huge difference in accuracy. Some decent sights area bonus too. I massaged mine to fit a set of Redfield position target rifle sights. Second best mod I've made. Took a couple tries to get the trigger force where I wanted it, but none of the parts to do this easily were available then.

Most favored .22LR: 1922 vintage Stevens Favorite, modified with a Marble's Win 92 application tang sight and a Lyman 17A globe front sight.


Expedition Leader
UK4X4 said:
Being someone who travels alot and shipping firearms is a pain if not impossible....I bought one of these


yep an air gun........and yep for the price you could get a real gun

But unlicenced / legal in most countries...if you import as 12ft/lbs...

In the UK its classed as a firearm...

S410 FAC (extra high power) Ref: S410FAC
Extra High Power Illustrated

0.22 Calibre 33/35 ft/lb

Pellets by the tin......goes through 3/4" oak plywood, can shoot in the backyard....if you have a concrete wall or lower the power output

10 round magazine
PCP type with air pump and 200bar cylinder, shrouded barrel.

In co in squirrel season I'd park the truck, lean out the window and get around 5 ground squirrels before they realised they were under attack...:REOutShootinghunter

I was using kodiak pellets to start and had to change to crow magnums to get the round to impact better rather and just fly straight through....

Any thoughts on a FX Cyclone? I am about to pull the trigger on one this week. I have been looking at PCP's for a while now and think they are the way to go with my hearing loss and need to shoot. That and I have some pest birds that need to be culled.


Define .22 rifle shootin fun. :)


Score: 26 5/16
Year: 1953

For about 30 years the Boone and Crockett world record for largest grizzly bear taken was held by a grandmother from central Alberta, Canada who for self preservation killed the animal with one shot to the temple area using a single shot .22 long, Cooey 'Boys rifle'; the other 6 holes in the bears skull are from Bella putting in a few more rounds to mush up bear's brains after bear went down to keep bear down. This grizzly still holds the Alberta size record.



The .22 long has always been a favorite round in some circles, will take down just about anything in reasonable open sight distance with a well placed shot and a single feeder helps tighten up spacings. ;)

Put a lightweight carbon fiber stock on an old single shot .22 long Cooey and you've got an ultralight 1 1/2 pound or less short to medium distance snipers rifle with minimal amount of moving parts.

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Expedition Leader
I was looking at the FX rifles too, the cyclone was the one I wanted, only the importer has some bad press in some of the airgun forums selling guns he dosn't have in country and you have to wait 6 weeks.

The airarms has a Beech stock....its sexy in comparison to the plastic.
The barrels are the same german ones, AA has a new improved flick action cocking lever which is diferent to mine

I have no experience in the FX so can't really comment other than
the specs/ and how I love mine.

We had a pidgen problem at work was iradicated in one afternoon.

One shot per bird with the crow magnum pellets.

These air rifles do not compare to kids pellet guns in anyway.......

Sorry about the thread hijack.....same caliber...diferent method.....


im gonna throw in another vote for the ruger 1022. fun, cheap, reliable, accurate, and there is ABSOLUTELY no end to the stuff you can do it as far as modifications go. heres mine. nothing but a scope and a krylon paint job...for the moment at least.



well, i know you said youd prefer a semi-auto

however, my favorite rifle that I own is my savage bolt-action 22mag...great rifle with a ton of impact force for its size

pretty dead-on accurate too, i can shoot the eye out of a squirrel at 50yds and at 100yds its uncommon that my pattern is larger than an inch


XL Bar said:
I'll buck the conventional wisdom and recommend a Marlin 39 lever action. Extremely accurate, fun to shoot, breaks down small for transport. Best of all its not a 10/22 :).

I concur. My Marlin 39A is one of the most fun, most accurate guns I've ever shot. I hated my 10/22 and sold it to fund my AR build. YMMV, of course, but I'd keep an eye out for a Marlin.

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